Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
~ Mark Twain
Well.. didnt feel like working out today.. just didnt feel like it.. Its always like that after my free day..
I had two days of free eating.. and yesterday I didnt even run.. with the dog getting put to sleep.. we all lost a bit of sleep .. so yesterday I took a three hour nap!
I have had tummy problems ever since I ate catfish on Friday.. all weekend I felt sluggish and my tummy was just icky feeling.
I woke up this morning and drank my water, got kids started on breakfast and went to the garage.
Its lower body today so heres the low down:
12- 65lbs on smith machine
10- 85lbs
08- 105lbs
06- 110lbs (hard)
04- 115lbs (hard)
extensions 40 reps of 35lbs
12- 65lbs on smith machine
10- 20lbs (curl bar... I decided to switch to curl bar lunges cause I didnt "feel the pain" with the smith machine)
08- 30lbs
06- 35lbs
20 (ten on each leg) 65lbs smith machine (I adjusted my stance and figured out what I was doing wrong.. so I def felt the pain on this one :)
Lying leg curls
16- 25lbs
12- 35lbs
10- 45lbs
08- 55lbs
06- 65lbs
Burnouts 24- 85lbs
Lying Abduction (new excersise for me)
24 on each leg (0 weight.. I need to get some ankle weights for this excercise)
Ab work
Incline Sit ups - 100
Jackknife: 24 on each side (new excercise)
Side Twists: 50 with curl bar plus 10lbs
I have decided I need to start posting my EATS every day.. this is the part of "taking it up a notch" for me. This program I will try and increase my protien and decrease my carbs to get a 30 carb 40 protien and 30 fat intake.. so.. heres my plan for today
AFter workout meal: Protien Shake (peach) 12 grams of carb, 25 grams of protien (done)
Lunch: Ground Turkey with speg sauce (Updated:actually had hamburger on one slice of bread with katchup)
Snack: Marathon bar and water (Updated: actually had this meal as planned)
Supper: Crock Pot Chicken breast with bar b q sauce and spinich salad
Snack: Shake
(my workout took so long today that I might not get all six meals in.. If not I will make a extra shake and put in the fridge for my 3 am hunger pains:) .. I usually wake up hungry in the middle of the night if I dont get all six meals in.
before pics and measurements:

=========Back view=========

Todays measurements
Chest: 36"
Waist: at belly button: 32.5"
Waist: above belly button: 31"
Hips: 38"
Right Thigh: 23"
Left Thigh: 22.5"
Right Bicep: 11.5"
Left Bicep: 11.75"
Neck: 12.75"
Right Wrist: 6"
Left Wrist: 6"
Right Calf: 13.5"
Left Calf: 13.75"
My Goals for Ch2
1. Not miss a workout!
2. Stay on Program EATS except for Free day. No adjusting free day meal. No Excuses.
3. Do HIIT Cardio on my cardio days. If I want to run for fun (distance) I can do that after my HIIT training.. OR in the evening.
4. Loose 3 inches in my waist getting down to my 28 Inch waist from my college days.
5. Increase my strength.
6. Get "cut".
OK.. so thats it for my CH2 day ONE post.. (probably the longest post ever!)
we are planning to go swimming up at the university pool tonight.. we are able to go for free three times a week.. so we will try and go as a family during these times.. (hope the extra cardio will help lean me out too :)
Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision.
~ Muhammad Ali, American Boxer
To become different from what we are, we must have some awareness of what we are.
Eric Hoffer
Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.
~ John Wooden
The challenge is not to manage time, but to manage ourselves.
~ Steven Covey
~ Mark Twain
Well.. didnt feel like working out today.. just didnt feel like it.. Its always like that after my free day..
I had two days of free eating.. and yesterday I didnt even run.. with the dog getting put to sleep.. we all lost a bit of sleep .. so yesterday I took a three hour nap!
I have had tummy problems ever since I ate catfish on Friday.. all weekend I felt sluggish and my tummy was just icky feeling.
I woke up this morning and drank my water, got kids started on breakfast and went to the garage.
Its lower body today so heres the low down:
12- 65lbs on smith machine
10- 85lbs
08- 105lbs
06- 110lbs (hard)
04- 115lbs (hard)
extensions 40 reps of 35lbs
12- 65lbs on smith machine
10- 20lbs (curl bar... I decided to switch to curl bar lunges cause I didnt "feel the pain" with the smith machine)
08- 30lbs
06- 35lbs
20 (ten on each leg) 65lbs smith machine (I adjusted my stance and figured out what I was doing wrong.. so I def felt the pain on this one :)
Lying leg curls
16- 25lbs
12- 35lbs
10- 45lbs
08- 55lbs
06- 65lbs
Burnouts 24- 85lbs
Lying Abduction (new excersise for me)
24 on each leg (0 weight.. I need to get some ankle weights for this excercise)
Ab work
Incline Sit ups - 100
Jackknife: 24 on each side (new excercise)
Side Twists: 50 with curl bar plus 10lbs
I have decided I need to start posting my EATS every day.. this is the part of "taking it up a notch" for me. This program I will try and increase my protien and decrease my carbs to get a 30 carb 40 protien and 30 fat intake.. so.. heres my plan for today
AFter workout meal: Protien Shake (peach) 12 grams of carb, 25 grams of protien (done)
Lunch: Ground Turkey with speg sauce (Updated:actually had hamburger on one slice of bread with katchup)
Snack: Marathon bar and water (Updated: actually had this meal as planned)
Supper: Crock Pot Chicken breast with bar b q sauce and spinich salad
Snack: Shake
(my workout took so long today that I might not get all six meals in.. If not I will make a extra shake and put in the fridge for my 3 am hunger pains:) .. I usually wake up hungry in the middle of the night if I dont get all six meals in.
before pics and measurements:

=========Back view=========

Todays measurements
Chest: 36"
Waist: at belly button: 32.5"
Waist: above belly button: 31"
Hips: 38"
Right Thigh: 23"
Left Thigh: 22.5"
Right Bicep: 11.5"
Left Bicep: 11.75"
Neck: 12.75"
Right Wrist: 6"
Left Wrist: 6"
Right Calf: 13.5"
Left Calf: 13.75"
My Goals for Ch2
1. Not miss a workout!
2. Stay on Program EATS except for Free day. No adjusting free day meal. No Excuses.
3. Do HIIT Cardio on my cardio days. If I want to run for fun (distance) I can do that after my HIIT training.. OR in the evening.
4. Loose 3 inches in my waist getting down to my 28 Inch waist from my college days.
5. Increase my strength.
6. Get "cut".
OK.. so thats it for my CH2 day ONE post.. (probably the longest post ever!)
we are planning to go swimming up at the university pool tonight.. we are able to go for free three times a week.. so we will try and go as a family during these times.. (hope the extra cardio will help lean me out too :)
Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision.
~ Muhammad Ali, American Boxer
To become different from what we are, we must have some awareness of what we are.
Eric Hoffer
Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.
~ John Wooden
The challenge is not to manage time, but to manage ourselves.
~ Steven Covey