===========Ch1 "Before" with Ch2 "After" comparison=======

************Progress pics and measurements**********
C2 Day 60 (24 days left to go!)

C2 day 42 (halfway point)

C2 day30

C2 finish

C2 day One:

C2 day 30

C2 day 42 (halfway point)

C2 day 60 ( 24 days left to go)

=========Back view=========

C2 Day 60

C2 day 42 (halfway point)

C2 Day 30

C2 day One:

C2 day 30

C2 day 42 (halfway point)

C2 day 60 (24 days left to go)

Chest: 36"
Day30: 35.5 (lost half an inch)
Day42: same
Waist: at belly button: 32.5"
Day30 at belly button: 32.5
Day42 at belly button: 32 (lost .5 inch)
Waist: above belly button: 31"
Day 30 above bell button: 30.5 (lost half an inch)
Day 42 above belly button: 30 (lost .5 inch)
Hips: 38"
D30: 38
D42: 37 3/4 (lost .25 inch)
Right Thigh: 23"
Day30 right: 23
Day 42 right: 22 (WHAT? a whole inch!)
Left Thigh: 22.5"
Day30 left: 22.5
Day 42 left: 22 ( i am evening out .. lost .5 inch)
Right Bicep: 11.5"
Day30 right: 11.5
Day 42 right: 11.75" (gained .5 inch.. muscle)
Left Bicep: 11.75"
Day30 left: 11.75
Day42 left: 12.25 (gained 1 inch muscle!... my left is always stronger)
Neck: 12.75"
Day30: 12.5 (lost 1/4 inch)
Day 42: same
Right Wrist: 6"
Day30 right: 5.75 (lost 1/4 inch)
Day42 same
Left Wrist: 6"
Day30left: 5.75 (lost 1/4 inch)
Day42lift: same
Right Calf: 13.5"
Day30 r: 13.5
Day42 right same
Left Calf: 13.75"
Day30 L: 13.5 (lost1/4 inch)
Day42 left: same
C2 day 42 (halfway point) ---127 days later--

C2 day 42 (halfway point) ---127 days later--
