AJ workout

Well.. today was an AJworkout.. by that I mean.. A and J.. Let me explain:

Free day started Friday night.. Pizza.. Saturday.. doughnuts for breakfast, Pizza for lunch, hamburgers for supper, and vanilla icecream.. Sunday morning at 2am.. My body was YELLING at me.. after a horrible tummy ache.. I was back in bed at around 3am...
Sunday was my BIRTHDAY.. so.. I really wanted Abuelos Mex food.. so I got a "wonderful" tasting lunch chips, coke and all.. I had rice crispies for supper (2 bowls) and a glass of ice cream with M&Ms... I knew what I was doing.. really I did.. I figured if you cant indulge on your birthday when can you.. right? .. Fast forward to 130am.. MY body began yelling at me again.. and again after a horrible tummy ache.. I was back in bed at around 210am..


This morning I woke up feeling AWEFUL! my tummy STILL rumbling, my energy ZAPPED!.. I didnt get up out of bed until 922! WHAT! Yes.. you read correctly! .. Of all days I didnt feel like working out.. today was it.. DAY 99! who would of thought.. I would think that it would be getting easier and easier.. 99 days.. workingout should happen with me still asleep.. right? wrong! ..

I called todays workout the AJworkout.. BECAUSE I only did it cause I knew you guys were doing it too..
I talked myself into just doing squats.. then I can quit.. after I was done with those.. (what will I tell A&J?.. "hey girls I only did squats".. )... so.. that got me to do lunges.. and I thought.. ok.. I will just do everything but I wont do situps.. my ab work can wait.. I am soooo tired.. I feel so bad! .. (ahh.. what will I tell A& J.. "hey girls.. I did everything but situps.. I was lazy and just didnt want to do it!...)... so I COMPLETED MY WHOLE WORKOUT>. BECAUSE of you two!!!!

Thanks for making me accountable.. thanks for being there to push me when I dont what to push myself! thanks for encouraging me to keep going! I really would have quit today.. I really would have not done it if it werent for you two!!!!!

Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might.
Ecclesiastes (ch. IX, v. 10)

Tony Dorsett:
To succeed... You need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you.

Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.


Josha said…
Yay, for AJ workouts! Tomorrow is 100 days!!! You are incredible!