Isnt that a great cartoon? I found it on another BfL ladies blog.. had to post it!
Today is day 61 I have 22 workouts left to go in this challenge.. It is still hard to believe I have not missed a single.. not ONE workout! I told my sweet husband this morning I am going to have to throw a party when and if I can get to 100 days without missing a workout (of course I take one free day a week to rest these old muscles) ...
Last night while I was mowing our front yard I was moving our tree swing out of the way and it fell and hit me on the right hand. On the hand close to the thumb... I was so mad that I did that and my first thought was "Oh no.. I wont be able to paint!... My second thought was .. I wont be able to lift weights!.."
Well .. I iced it last night ... this morning it is sore but I was able to do Lower Body no problem.. I am going to paint on the mural this afternoon so we will see if I am able to do that too.... (hope so)
Highlights from Today's workout:
On squats I hit SIX with 105lbs on the bar! I did all SIX! couldnt believe it.. I have tried before but I was only able to get 2 or 3 with good form..
I did Lunges.. and moved on up to and added 12 for burnouts next lowerbody I will do all 24.
On hamstring curls I went up to 55lbs on a set of 6.
and Deadlifts I did a set of 12 at 85lbs and another 12 at 65lbs as a burn out.
[diff think i will be sore tomorrow...no pain.. no gain right?]
Lyrics from Flypside's Someday (which was the theme for the Olympics a few years ago).. this part of the song makes me want to keep going when I feel like stopping:
"If you know how this is
Gonna see it's not that easy
Don't stop get it till it's done
From where you are or have begun
I said keep on try a little harder
To see everything you need to be
Believe in your dreams
That you see when you're asleep"
Blessings on a beautiful Friday 61