Well. I cant believe that tomorrow will be day 70! I have two weeks left in the challenge! amazing! Its gone by soooo fast!
I am planning to measure and take pictures tomorrow.. will be interesting to see any changes..
I posted before about the IPOD my DH got for me.. Let me tell you I LOVE that IPOD! .. its great.. I have a few new adds to the song list I was excitted to get.. Def Leppard and ZZ Top to name two. :) .. (I know I am dating myself!).. My runs are so so sooo much better with my ipod.. really makes me puss myself harder when I have that music pushing me...
I ran around campus this morning and it was GREAT! a beautiful morning with a gentle breeze, the kids moving into the halls, and young, old, and with children going around the walking track! I stopped two times.. and really pushed myself at the end to run as fast as I could to the "corner" .. I finally hit a "second wind" for the first time since I started running again.. it was great I felt like I could run forever! I had to make myself stop though.. I try hard to not over do it .. dont want to injure myself :)
I was happy to spend a hour at the library by myself.. I got two books three books about fitness:

Kathy Smith's Lift Weights to Lose Weight (Paperback)
Heres the link to Amazon:

Runner's World Complete Book of Women's Running: The Best Advice to Get Started, Stay Motivated, Lose Weight, Run Injury-Free, Be Safe, and Train for Any ... (Runner's World Complete Books (Paperback)
Heres the link:
And my Favorite of the group. (This has 120 different excersises .. photos etc on how to do them.. I found some for abs and back, & shoulders that I havent done before.. so it will be nice to add a bit of variety to the lifting part of my program:)

Sculpting Her Body Perfect (Paperback)
Heres the link:
I am planning to measure and take pictures tomorrow.. will be interesting to see any changes..
I posted before about the IPOD my DH got for me.. Let me tell you I LOVE that IPOD! .. its great.. I have a few new adds to the song list I was excitted to get.. Def Leppard and ZZ Top to name two. :) .. (I know I am dating myself!).. My runs are so so sooo much better with my ipod.. really makes me puss myself harder when I have that music pushing me...
I ran around campus this morning and it was GREAT! a beautiful morning with a gentle breeze, the kids moving into the halls, and young, old, and with children going around the walking track! I stopped two times.. and really pushed myself at the end to run as fast as I could to the "corner" .. I finally hit a "second wind" for the first time since I started running again.. it was great I felt like I could run forever! I had to make myself stop though.. I try hard to not over do it .. dont want to injure myself :)
I was happy to spend a hour at the library by myself.. I got two books three books about fitness:

Kathy Smith's Lift Weights to Lose Weight (Paperback)
Heres the link to Amazon:

Runner's World Complete Book of Women's Running: The Best Advice to Get Started, Stay Motivated, Lose Weight, Run Injury-Free, Be Safe, and Train for Any ... (Runner's World Complete Books (Paperback)
Heres the link:
And my Favorite of the group. (This has 120 different excersises .. photos etc on how to do them.. I found some for abs and back, & shoulders that I havent done before.. so it will be nice to add a bit of variety to the lifting part of my program:)

Sculpting Her Body Perfect (Paperback)
Heres the link: