Well Gals.. thats my calendar.. from a few days ago.. I cant believe all those days marked off! woo whoo!
I hadnt noticed this before but it is interesting how the marking off the calender got more and more intense as the days went by.. funny.. :)
Today was a run.. I set my alarm to go run around campus this morning.. but I just couldnt get out of bed! So.. I ran on the treadmill after stretching for about 10 minutes. My legs are so sore from yesterdays workout.. guess I did good at fatiguing those muscles :) My hamstrings are calling my name everytime I sit down.... UHG>. but I know that soreness only means progress so its a good thing.. It did take me about a mile of walking and stretching (again) to feel like I could run.. I did 2.25 miles and felt soooo much better after I was finished!
After the run I mowed the yard. .. now that was pretty interesting with those sore hamstrings! but it seemed to have really worked the rest of the soreness out... (of course after typing this I probably wont be able to get up :)
Now for some inspiration.
Here is a link to a website of a mother of four, (one set of twins) she is in amazing shape! Now you need to remember that no one is as lean as she is all the time! .. she I am sure got really really lean for her photo shoot.. I dont know if she had surgery of any kind but still her muscle def is inspiring! Heres a few lines from her site.. see link below for more ...
"My Struggle:
As a young 21 year old woman, fresh out of college, I was 100% sold on the knowledge my expensive college courses gave me. I believed in and was very eager to practice what I had been taught. With my background in fitness and nutrition, I started personal training at a gym and working out consistently myself. I was expecting great results. After 6 months of working out according to the ACSM’s standards and eating according to the "Food Pyramid", I got fatter!! I didn’t understand why? Had the scholars failed me? The authority...
.............MORE BABIES!
Then after my run one day I was horribly nauseous. I thought, "Yuck what did I eat?" Nothing bad, I was just pregnant!!! WOW and OOPS. With a colicky baby who was only 6 months old and my 3 year old son, how was I going to handle this? I was so very sick and tired. I could hardly get out of bed to take care of my 2 kids much less worry about exercising. Then at 7 weeks I had an ultrasound and everything was fine except – surprise TWINS! Man I was........."
Have an interest? check out her site:
Her main page:
So heres to hard work, and goals! ..
blessings to you and yours!