Day 40

Yes.. it was an upper body workout to lay down and take a nap after.... after listening to Bill talk about hitting the high points I made sure I did this workout.. and boy and I tired...

here are some highlights:
bench press.. went up to 30lbs in each hand for a set of 6 (havent done that much in about 5 years!)
Hammer Curls went up to 20lbs in each hand for a set of 6
I really enjoyed using the Smith Machine for Lats, and it was great for Triceps (thanks for showing me that honey) :)

Food wise is going fine.. I am looking forward to free day tomorrow.. watch out Abuelos.. here I come :) heheh.. and that blue bell sitting in the fridge.. too :) .. (just not looking forward to the price i will be paying after eating all that :) .. I def dont have a stomach of steel.)

I am off to paint.. more later
