Day 38- Measurements!

Well.. here it is.. the measurements you have all be waiting for :) hehe..
The first column is from Jan.. (as previously posted I did not measure before starting this program.. [probably because I figured why bother.. I am not going to make it through the week anyway.. boy was i wrong on that one!].. So I am using the most up to date measurements I have which are from Jan.)
The second column is from the 12 of July.. after 25 days on the program.
The third column is from today.. after 38 days..

chest ====Jan 37.5 inches....July 12th 37.25...... July 27th 36.5 (down 1 inch)

bicept === Jan 12 inches...... July 12th 11.5.........July 27th 11.5 (same)

hips ====Jan 40.4 inches..... July12th 40............July 27th: 39.5 (down an approx 1 inch)

waist === Jan 34 inches ........July 12th 33.75..... July 27th: 32 (down 2 inches)

thighs=== Jan 22.25 inches...July 12th- 22.25.... July 27th: 23 (up .75 inches muscle added :)

total lost as of this date:

FOUR INCHES! WOW.. I HAD NO IDEA! FOUR INCHES IN 38 DAYS! .. and I gained .75 inches in my thighs.. which if course is muscle from all those squats and lunges i have been doing ! :)

workout update:
I RAN this morning and tried to hit all the 9s and 10s i could.. i was exausted afterward but now feel great!

heres to progress!~

