What's my excuse?

I have always loved watching the Ironman on TV.. tonight was a rerun on 2005s race.. there I saw a man with ALS finish, an 80 year old man FINISH.. and a woman named Sarah.. All I have to say is WOW! IF you have time.. read about sarah.. here is an excerpt .. but her bio tells a story of a little girl who never got to play.. oh.. She is an amazing person.. ..
My previous post was "what gets you out of bed"... tomorrow morning.. it will be the images of Sarah running around in my head.. What's my excuse? I have none..

Raising the Bar

Never one to aim low, Sarah chose the Ironman, a 2.4-mile swim, 112- mile bike and 26.2-mile run, as her competitive goal. The Ironman is one of the toughest races in the world for anyone, but Sarah has to be tougher than the rest to finish; she expends 40% more oxygen and twice the energy than people with two legs. Every stroke, every peddle ,every step has to be fine-tuned to perfection. It is amazing that she even qualified for a coveted Ironman spot; only two years ago, Sarah had never been on a bike and her swim was fair at best. (the rest of this is in her bio)

Sarah Reinertsen is a woman defined by courage to overcome..........

to read more.. to be inspired.. go to this site (I would love a poster size picture of her with her "ironman legs" on my workout room wall.)
