What gets you out of bed?

So what gets you out of bed in the morning? me? ..I would prefer a heated robe and slippers while I sit and eat my bacon, eggs, and pancakes. BUT.. this is reality..
I can tell you what has kept me in bed.. a cold room and warm sheets (now I must explain if it isnt 90 degrees in a room I feel it is cold).. a night when I didnt sleep but 2 hours straight, and kids that come and snuggle. (I would say a snoring husband.. but he says he doesnt snore..)

What I find interesting is that I can wake up at anytime of the night and if I am hungry.. go and get a snack.. no problem..I used to motivate myself to get out of bed because a Dr Pepper had my name on it in the fridge! .. I can also make a trip to the bathroom in the middle of the night.. no problem.. but when that alarm goes off.. and I know I MUST get out of bed and stay out.. I have a problem with that.. SO.. whats a girl to do?

I decided to set the arlam on my cell phone.. it wakes me up before the suns up to a cheerful ring.. instead of a "boooonnnnkkk booooonnkkkk" ..
I can only push the snooze ONCE.. and get up before it goes off again..
I sometimes sleep in my workout clothes.. figuring I am already dressed so why not work out.
I tell myself like Pam Brown did "do I want to be fat and out of shape or healthy?" almost everytime I choose Healthy.

So what motivates you to get out of bed?

health update:
I lifted weights yesterday morning.. upper body.. I am sore today, which is good.. but also sad cause I lifted only 10lbs at the most and did only two sets.. I have lost a lot of strength by being lazy these last few months.. I want to be able to carry those groceries in without straining! progress not perfection right?

I ran this morning .. was on the treadmill by 655.. oh and if felt so good when I was done.

Milestone! - yesterday I went all day without Soda or Tea.. I am taking a herbal supplement that has green tea and caffine but I am taking one pill instead of the sugguested 3.. The first time I did the bfl program I took the pills instead of drinking cokes and tea and I was completely off of every form of caffine in a month..(without horrible headaches or loss of energy) that is my goal this time too.. In four weeks.. 0 caffine intake! 0 Soda intake.. 1 gal of water a day!

My theme for today:
"I have the Power to change"

Up Coming Posts:
The Plank.. what in the world is it and what will it do for me?
When is the best time to workout?
Sodas.. why are they so addicting?
Motivating our children to get moving. What can moms do?
