Hypoglycemia Sucks

So this is how it went
Co-op is today... I teach one day a week at a homeschool coop you know.... well  today we were running late.... i grabbed my eggs and 2 corn tortillias and hot tea and headed out.
Today was swim day... I grabbed a little something 2 hours after eating breakfast (a few almonds) and finished off my tea...
After swimming for an hour and gettin gout of the pool I could tell my blood pressure and blood sugar were going down.
I started to get shaking and feel like crap.... I was crashing....urgh

I grabbed a dr pepper from the machine and took a few sips...

felt better but still not good.

I ate a late lunch and drank 1/2 a DP... still feeling out of it.

finally after about 2 hours I started feeling better.

The bad news was no I had a headache (from all the stupid low and hi)

I  was sooooo low and soooo high today  it all sucked.

tonight I felt better at track practice and wanted to run on the mill tonight but after getting home... started to feel bad again

Its like once I am out of balance its hard to get back .....

so frustrating

I KNEW i needed more carbs this morning
I KNEW i needed to eat more than almonds before jumping in the pool

but I hadnt planned ahead.

I knew better.  I learned another lesson. I will try harder to be more prepared next time. Cause if I dont plan.... I feel like crap.

and that

just pretty much sucks. brings back too many bad memories of not being able to get off the couch to do anything without a soda.....

balance. ......gotta have it. Every day. No matter what I got going on.

Its like its a forever and ever Amen kinda thing ... ain't never going away... so i gotta just deal.


Christy said…
Ruthie, you may actually be having low cortisol episodes due to adrenal fatigue. The symptoms can mimic hypoglycemia. You might try starting a regimen of high-dose vitamin C. Vitamin C is one of the most important supplements you can take when dealing with adrenal fatigue. The recommended dose is 2,000-4,000 mg per day in divided doses. You can take more if necessary (up to bowel tolerance). I currently take 1,000 mg doses in the morning, lunch and late afternoon. Also, if I do ever feel shaky, I will take extra as soon as I feel the symptoms coming on (anywhere from 1000-2000 mg extra). This will almost always help me recover quickly without the need for high-sugar "emergency" food.

Here's a blog post by Dr. James Wilson (adrenal fatigue expert) on the importance of vitamin c and adrenal fatigue: http://blog.adrenalfatigue.org/?Tag=vitamin+c