Just finished a weight workout. Did the following:
Chest flies: 12 reps: 15lbs 10 reps: 15lbs 8 reps: 20lbs 6 reps:25lbs
tri extension: 12reps 10lbs 10reps 15lbs 8reps 20lbs 6 reps 20lbs
bicep curl: 12 reps: 15 10reps: 20lbs 8reps: 20lbs 6 reps 25lbs
shoulder press: 12reps 8lbs 10, 8, 6 10lbs (will never go over 10lbs on shoulder press because of injury)
I am sooo happy with 25lbs :).. I haven't lifted in a long time .. "just" pushups.... goes to show me.. pushups build strength more than most people give them credit for I think .. i am forever a fan of the mens pushup!

On the hair front.. I am still growing it out.. but decided I wanted to do something different. so I layered. I liked it at first but after a few days I am not so sure. Oh well.. cant get it back.. well.. maybe by christmas LOL.. the first layer is in my eyes all the time.. unless I fix it. But oh well... Its good for a change but now I will right a note to myself "when your bangs are past your chin.. do not cut them!

I also have short hair envy from Josha and my friend Kay who both have such rockin short hair. .. you know.. the grass is always greener LOL
My plan is to run the following this week.. I start co-op on thursday so my long runs will be on Tuesday.
Monday (moderate): weights upper body (done)
Tuesday (long run): 10miler
Wednesday (easy): off
Thursday(easy): 5 miles
Friday (easy): weights (lower body)
Saturday: run everywhere for ccmeet :)
Sunday: 5 miles
Weekly total mileage = 20 plus miles
Working on getting out closets organized around here.. its like the closets threw up everywhere!
Gotta go get it all put back together!
until tomorrow!