the effects of a 6 miler

Ok.. my sweet wonderful fantastic sister (the one who completed the half in Dallas this past month)... just had to take some photos of me after my 6 miler the other night... she said she wanted people to see how hard i work and that i do get all sweaty and stuff..
so here are the pictures... the effects of 6 miles :)
if you look closely here you can see my little baby belly pooch hanging over my shorts.. its all that extra skin i think will never go away.... . its called what happens when little ole me has 10lb babies :) .. its ok though... i love how i feel and i love how strong I am and that my pooch means I have such fun wonderful almost all bigger than me kids now :)

this really shows how tired I was... tight in the hammies too :) I hadnt started feeling good yet.... you now that "UGH i am so tired" feeling at the end of a great run... and then about 10 mins later you get the "WOW i feel fantastic" :).. (i was thinking "sis.. stop taking pictures of me i am tired and I cant breath!!" hehe.. (thankful it wasnt video though)

NOW.. i am starting to feel good again... see how red faced i get??? EEEeooo and look at where my ipod string is at?? sweaty armpit string now LOL

I think 6 miles is becoming my favorite distance :) ....

ok girls.. now that I have shared the icky sweaty reality of training... ... now its YOUR turn? Anyone else got sweat down their back or lovely rings under their armpits ???? Come on... show it off and be proud!! :)


Josha said…
sweaty pictures on my blog too! finally! I love 6 miles too!
JRo said…
Girl, I sweat so much that my sports bar is impossible to get off and it TOTALLY soaked AND, lovely of all lovelies.. can feel the sweat running down my tushy. G-ROSS!

But alas, I love the heat, so I deal with the nasty sweat part!

Has your iPod ever had those white sweat salt stains on it? Mine has.. eeeewww! LOL
Anonymous said…
so funny! thanks for sharing, you look great after a 6 miler! I have yet to take any "after" pics, but I will tell you it isn't pretty! also, I break out in hives on my torso right after I finish running, weird, huh? Happens every time and then just goes away....I think it has something to do w/the temp change or blood rushing back to/from my legs??? Anyhoo, 6-8 is my fave distance now too, I only run 2x/week! Good for you on stretching, I didn't do that this week and can feel it today...
Anonymous said…
love the pics! but I haven't got to the part of loving running, yet. I'm more of a biker.
love the sweaty armpit ipod pic. that is too funny!