Tonight's lesson was on "Knowing when to give in".
Learning lots on this marathon training journey.
You know how sometimes... something just has to give. Tonight it was my 18 mile run.
I started off feeling pretty good. I was tired from a full day but I felt good. I tried to eat healthy and often all day and drink my water. As I was getting ready to go I looked at the temp and it was 101 out. YIKES. by the time I was out the door at 7pm it was only 99.
I never found my zone. I never felt good. The whole time I hand NO energy. I felt off. Then, my right foot started "hurting" not bad hurting.. just tired hurting. This is my second run in my new shoes so I just kept walking and running walking and running stopped to stretch.. hoping it was just a little glitch that needed to be worked out.
6 miles into it I was still struggling. I kept thinking.. NO way am i going to make it 12 more miles with this foot. ... I talked myself back into trying harder but at 7 and a half..
I quit.
I grabbed my bag with my two water bottles and half a cliff bar and walked all the way home.
I think my body was like "HUH?" cause its use to being in bed by 830pm .. not running (ha).
I am not upset. I am glad I listened to my body. I learned a lot last year... all the injury and not knowing when to give in. So tonight I celebrate the fact I made it 7.5 miles and look forward to 18 next week some time.
now I must go and finish my oatmeal with blueberries and whole almonds (yummmmy).. and get a good nights rest... I got a busy weekend ahead :)