great workout this morning.
took Jo to track at 7 and while he ran 200s over and over ... I
- ran a mile
- walking lunges (52)
- frog jumps onto a step (15)
- ab work (leg lifts, hip ups, more leg lifts, crunches)
- pushups (15)
How fun was that! What a great way to end a great workout!
Good news today too :) ... I ran in an outfit I havent worn since last summer! Infact the running skirt I had loaned to my daughter to wear until I could get back into it! (of course she had to saftey pin it to keep the think up :)..... but its sooo exciting to feel the progress again :)
check back later today for progress photos :)
i am off to a meeting! gotta run :) ha
like your long run schedule on the sidebar.