Just wanted to share what I have in my kitchen :) ... click on the product photos to get more information.
Blog entry from Jan 2008:
"I have been wanting to post about this for about a week or so but I went to buy protein powder a few weeks ago.. (last week maybe) and I discovered they had gone WAY up on price! a large tub use to cost about 30 bucks and now its 50 something bucks! I am so frustrated because I love this protein.. I just don't know if I want to pay that much for it! .. UGH>"
I am so happy! My husband went to the health food store and bought some Vanilla Protein and it has gone back down in price.! I guess the economy has something to do with it huh? anyway... what WAS 56.00 is now back down to 30.00 and I am so happy! I use the Vanilla as a "base" for my shakes and I have really missed it :)

ok.. so.. I must go for now.. ... my non sugar self is having withdrawals.. but more imporantly I have a laundry room to finish painting :)
I am sooooo very ready to hear what my Dr has to say. ... maybe I will actually have an answer this week.