Well I have decided to do something I NEVER thought I would do. No, I didn't go skydiving, or eat fried bugs, or actually get my closet cleaned out (LOL).. No.. This week I decided to share my blog with the world in my own way.
As most of you know this blog started out as a "last resort" my "wondering if THIS will work for me" kinda thing. I knew journaling and health and fitness should all go together. I knew that making a permanent change meant working out my feelings and not just my muscles. I knew I needed to journal but I am not one to sit down with paper and pen.. so .. Here we are.
I never planned to share this with more than 3 or 4 people. I mean.. good grief! my before pictures are on here! YIKES!...
I have felt the call to reach out to more and more people. Because you see, I remember what I use to be like. It is etched in my brain forever. I also remember finding women such as Pam Brown:

today. I went public.

I am now a guest writer for The Happy Housewives Club! I am nervous but I know I have been working toward this transition for almost 3 years.
Today I was "Introduced" and next week will be my first "article". As always my goal has been to be open, honest, and to share the ups and downs of my journey. Life is not perfect and neither am I. But I have decided that if just ONE Happy Housewife reads and or finds me and what I have to say helps her find her hope again.... then... going public is worth it.
To read the first posting... click here
Life is GRAND and .. always better on the other side of a good workout.