you know.. its all about perspective.
yesterday was a good and bad day.... but the bad day part was just flat out uncalled for.
I know the journey to fitness and health is an emotional, physical and spiritual one. Its about loving me where i am NOW but looking forward to who i will become.

My perspective on yesterday all changed in a few seconds. My husband had cleared off some images off his old computer (one he hasnt used in years) and we spent a fun hour looking at old photos. Some of those photos were from one of the many times i took before photos and didnt finish the body for life program... The photos were me at my largest... Heres just a tiny sampling of what we found :)

And suddenly I had a change in perspective.
I was a size tight 16 in these photos. This one was after I had lost some weight.. I have an even larger photo I will share but didnt get it off his computer.

And we found this picture.. This is 6 month AFTER my first successful transformation I had two more months to go.. Nate was a big baby :) 9lb15oz . I love this picture cause i look so healthy :)

So.. now i have learned a valuable lesson.. when i get frustrated with "feeling" like i am not making progress... Look to the past and realize how far i have really come.

Life is good.

More after i lift weights :)


just finished lifting weights.. Upper body done. plus ab work.

hoping that i can run tomorrow..


Josha said…
You got it girl! live right NOW!
Aw, Nate was cute even before he was born!
JRo said…
WOW, WOW, WOW! See Laura, you can be healthy and pregnant! ;) I am saying this to myself too... Ruthie, you are amazing! Thanks
Laura said…
Amazing Ruthie, my story completely. And I am finally healthy and pregnant!!! Just burned a few at the gym.
Anonymous said…
so many things in life is about our perspective! there are so many ways to look at things...let's look at it in a positive manner! you have come a long way..but sometimes we forget and can only think of today! but you keep pushing on doing what you can...just like you say, "It's all about progress not perfection!"
keep workin' it girl!!