well.. it was snowy and cold today... I have had pain in my shoulder all day today.. tried to keep it still while teaching.. and hope that it wont keep me awake tonight. If it keeps me awake tonight again i will call my doctor in the morning.. ..and try and get in to see him before noon.
i have been doing some reading on sugar. today makes 5 days off white sugar, no soda, no candy, no tea, ... I am pretty sure the only sugar i am getting is from salad dressing (which is lower than more), fruit (Gods sugar), and the 2 slices of wheat bread i have eaten at breakfast every morning this week. This is a MAJOR decrease for my body and i am feeling so much better!
Sugar's effect on your health
"Because sugar is devoid of minerals, vitamins, fiber, and has such a deteriorating effect on the endocrine system, major researchers and major health organizations (American Dietetic Association and American Diabetic Association) agree that sugar consumption in America is one of the 3 major causes of degenerative disease."
146 Reasons
Main things i have noticed in the last few days:
- My thoughts are a lot more positive.
- My energy is constant.. no need for naps or wanting to just "take a break"
- Sleeping was amazing! (until my shoulder).. I was waking up for the last 3 mornings wanting to get up instead of wanting to go back to bed.
- Water satisfies my thirst.. i dont crave sugar water to feel like i am full. :)
- I am eating less.. and feeling fuller quicker (could it be because i am not longer taking in High Fructose Corn Syrup?.. i think so!)
- I am more patient.. It seems my moods are more 'even'.. dont know how to describe it.. i just feel no need to "control my emotions".. .. does this make since ?
so.. shoulder is not good.. but my dealing with sugar is good. Fruits are tasting sweeter and sweeter as the days pass.. and all this is making me realize that i need to make this change permanent. I am not saying i will never eat white sugar again.. but i can tell you I will strive to limit my intake to a few times a month.. ... the sweet tastes of sugar is just not worth how it makes me feel.
Any of you have experiences with getting off sugar? would love to hear how it effected you...
off to take some tylenol and hope it calms my should enough to dose off... I might end up the night in the recliner :)..
blessings to you..