Day three .. ugh
walking lunges.. LOTS and LOTS of walking lunges. .. then squats.. UGH.. walking tomorrow will be painful.. .. wow... they are jello!!!!
did back and bis too! .. feels great!
I have had a bit of a problem getting out of bed in the mornings. yes... its true..
I have for literally FORCE myself to get out of bed. I have also been waking up hungry in the middle of the night again. I DO NOT like this. I am hoping a few more days of eating 6 meals a day and esp a good balanced meal right before bed will get me straight. If I dont see results in a week or so i will head back to the doc.. for blood sugar workup and low blood pressure test. I think the issue with not being able to wake up in the mornings is cause i 1. am not sleeping good cause i keep waking up hungry. and 2. cause my blood pressure could be too low. .. who knows. All I know is that when i am eating healthy and working out.. i dont have these two problems!
so.. heres to a good day.. getting workout in! .. Eats were ok.. I did make homemade pizza at lunch and we had friends over.. but i am just counting it as a free meal. :)
will have another free meal tomorrow night as A is coming threw town and we will get a much needed girls night out :) ..
Pretty much considering three free meals a week.. spread out instead of "free day" again.. ..
off to play with this new template.. and to finish two more sets of bis :)
ruthie aka.. jello legs Ru
hey.. I checked out sauchagirls site and followed her link to get this templates.. who know what i will end up with.. . so it might change a few times before i settle on one i like.
interested in changing up?
heres the link
click on the bar at the top of the page
I cant figure out where my little blogger tool bar at the top of the page went.. hum....
Day three .. ugh
walking lunges.. LOTS and LOTS of walking lunges. .. then squats.. UGH.. walking tomorrow will be painful.. .. wow... they are jello!!!!
did back and bis too! .. feels great!
I have had a bit of a problem getting out of bed in the mornings. yes... its true..
I have for literally FORCE myself to get out of bed. I have also been waking up hungry in the middle of the night again. I DO NOT like this. I am hoping a few more days of eating 6 meals a day and esp a good balanced meal right before bed will get me straight. If I dont see results in a week or so i will head back to the doc.. for blood sugar workup and low blood pressure test. I think the issue with not being able to wake up in the mornings is cause i 1. am not sleeping good cause i keep waking up hungry. and 2. cause my blood pressure could be too low. .. who knows. All I know is that when i am eating healthy and working out.. i dont have these two problems!
so.. heres to a good day.. getting workout in! .. Eats were ok.. I did make homemade pizza at lunch and we had friends over.. but i am just counting it as a free meal. :)
will have another free meal tomorrow night as A is coming threw town and we will get a much needed girls night out :) ..
Pretty much considering three free meals a week.. spread out instead of "free day" again.. ..
off to play with this new template.. and to finish two more sets of bis :)
ruthie aka.. jello legs Ru
hey.. I checked out sauchagirls site and followed her link to get this templates.. who know what i will end up with.. . so it might change a few times before i settle on one i like.
interested in changing up?
heres the link
click on the bar at the top of the page
I cant figure out where my little blogger tool bar at the top of the page went.. hum....
Yeah. I changed my template. I love the new design but I lost a few widgets as well. Yours looks awesome. I don't know you very well but it seems from what I do know it is very fitting with your personality.
Have a great day!