I still cant believe it is 2008! Life is flying by and the Big 40 is getting closer everyday! :)
I wanted to post what I am doing over the next few days
I have decided I need to give my body a break from all the sugar I have been consuming. While I was sick I drank Sprite and fruit juices like no bodies business. I also ate other comfort foods with sugar in them. I have definitely cut back since then but have still been eating lots more sugar than I would like to. I know this sugar combined with the antibiotics I have taken will through my body out of wack.. so I am determined over at least the next two days (maybe three) to cut out most sugar from what I eat.
I will be posting what I eat and any frustrations or delights I have along the way.
Off my menu for the next few days is the following . Juices, Sodas, Breads, etc..
What is on my menus for the next few days. Nuts, Plain Oatmeal, some lean meats, salads without dressing with sugar in it.. and eggs.
focus is on clean healthy sugar free eating.
I would love to know what are the best fruits to eat that are the lowest in sugar if any of you know..
Eats so far today:(will update throughout the day)
1. Plain Oatmeal with milk in it, Almonds, and water to drink.
2. Campbells chunky veggie and chicken soup (only has 2 grams of sugar in it)
3. wasa wafer with peanut butter on top.. almonds and 6 dark choc morsels.
4. bacon, eggs, 1 bicut, gravy (i know.. off the program but today was to be a free day. AND it had just a tad of sugar) milk
5. almonds and 5 dark choc morsals water
its been water water water all day today.. I am happy with my lack of sugar and NO CAFFEINE! YIPEE! one day down one to go.
'why is it so hard to eat correctly? the world screams at us "eat this.. eat that" and our bodies scream at us "what did ya do that to me for?" .. and ourselves say "it doesnt matter what I eat.. and then it DOES matter what we eat.. " Sometimes along this journey I have felt like I am fighting against the great big huge world.. but in reality its actually only myself I am fighting against :) One thing that is helping me today is the book i am reading.. I want to get another chapter down before I post about it.. but wow it has some great thoughts, scriptures, and things I had just never thought of before..
So.. heres to wanting to win the food fight:)
On the workout front I am soooooo sore esp in my lats but I will still do my pushup training this afternoon after I go for a run :) ..
more after the workout:)
my run is finished. 2.5 miles around campus 42 degrees and VERYVERY windy!.. but I made it.. I would have just run on the treadmill but I really wanted to just get outside in the sunshine for a while.. :)
now all that is left is pushups.
while I was running I thought about perspectives on fitness..
Some people want to be thin .. and think when they are thin that life will be perfect.. but they dont realize what they are missing
Some people have no desire to be fit or thin or active in anyway.. they think they are happy with their lives the way they are.. but they dont realize what they are missing
Some people have just given up and say they dont care anymore.. but if they had a choice they would choose to wake up tomorrow fit.. they just havent gotten up the guts or been down in the dumps long enough to change.
All the above people were me at one point or another in my life.
What I have now discovered through my journey is that I dont want to be thin, I dont want to be a couch potato, I dont want to give up. I could get thin by just not eating, and never workout. I could get thing by smoking cigarettes, or taking weigh loss drugs. But being thin is not my goal. I want to be healthy.
I want to be LEAN and STRONG and healthy.
The difference in Lean and Strong and thin is MUSCLE. I lift weights because it increases my metabolism and helps me shed fat when I am just sitting around. But I also lift weights to become strong. I will never be bulky like a body builder on steroids.. I dont lift weights to look like that. I lift to be fit.
I refuse to grow old and not be able to pick up my frying pan, or pampered chef cooking stone.
I refuse to grow old and not be able to move my furniture around when I want to, or carry the groceries in.
I have not desire any longer to be "thin". I want to be lean. I want to be strong.
To me Lean and Strong signifies fitness.