Hello! .. not sure why this is underlining.. but I will go with the flow here. :)
I loved seeing Janelles pictures of when she was in the military.. so cool.. so I thought I would share some "memory lane" pictures.
. If you are reading this.. consider yourself tagged and post your own "memory lane" pictures :) .
Played softball from K through 12th grade.. last 4 years played catcher.. .. this was taken my last year.
Yep.. thats me.. drummajor. ..Sr year HS> dont you love the hat hehehe!
Freshman year in college.. 1987
This is my going away outfit.. this is the one with the 28 inch waist that I would LOVE to get into again.. not that I would wear it anywhere.. but.. the 80s are coming back into style arent they :) hehehe..
This is pregnant with baby #2 .. gained tooooo much weight.. but had a healthy baby boy.. who.. by the way is almost as big as me now.. and hes only 8.
right before starting Challenge #1.. year 2000.. here I was a very very tight 16 and should have been wearing 18's but I just couldnt go and buy them.. .
ok.. enough of memory lane.. Here's my workout for today.. pictures courtesy of my sweet sister..
Today was legs.. squats, leg extensions, deadlifts, .. will be sore tomorrow..OH and today my max on squats was 105lbs 8 times! then a rest and 6 more after that!!! so exciting to be getting stronger.. cant wait to take my strength test in a week and a half!
eats good. cause today was free :) ..
extra workout this morning from moving my Mom and Dad's furniture around (they closed on their house!!! ).. and so fun seeing my sweet sister!!!
Blitz.. progress pictures :)
Happy Memory Lane! (remember your tagged!)
and last but not least.. I reworked my transformation video since I have learned how to do transitions and adding texts.. I did add a few new pictures.. .. here you go.