
Its been a very interesting few days.. I decided to take off until Monday on working out. I have been having issues with feeling motivated and to be honest i just felt tired! I decided to listen to my body .. and my mind.. and take it easy.

After the last few days off.. and NOT feeling guilty about it in the least...
eating whatever I wanted whenever I wanted.
I have found that as of this afternoon I am "craving" a good workout again! Yes.. "craving" and workout in the same sentence! :)

I also had that awful episode with the lovely blue bell m&m milk shake.. and THAT my friends has thrown me back to never wanting ice cream again!

I am really looking forward to Monday.. and getting this old body up and going again! :) .. I might .. MIGHT run tomorrow because it will be so beautiful outside.. but it will only be for fun.. no hiits involved :)

sometimes .. time off IS good.



Unknown said…
Glad you're enjoying being off. Rest is good too. Will be great to have you with us again on Monday!