Went by myself this morning to ride my bike. I did 10 miles! Eight of those around campus where I hit the "hill" 4 times and today I did something I had never done before.. instead of coasting down hill I shifted to a higher gear and went as fast as I could. It was an amazing workout! Riding the way I did I had about 8 Hiits! I worked so hard in fact that I got a bit nauseated. I use to do this in my softball days and asked a trainer about it before .. he said that its because your body is releasing a certain chemical, thats its ok.
I plan on going shopping today for a few new shirts and some shorts. I HATE shopping these days.. because I never know what size I wear in what brand. I wish the companies would do clothes by the waist measurement like they do with men.
Eats so far today:
cheerios in milk (a serving) two deviled eggs, 5 sun chips. (can you tell I love those sun chips!) ..
also took my CLA this morning. I am still trying to figure out how much to take.. yesterday I took 2 and felt great.
Will update later.. off to get ready for the day and hopefully find me some cute clothes:)
how was your workout?
I updated my weekly photos.. take a peak if you like.. I feel like I have made progress esp in my legs....I will have to work on getting the lighting right.. maybe next time my pics will show a bit more of my muscle.. but oh well.
also.. took another 4th of july picture today.. AND the pic above shows three of my new purchases today... shorts, exercise ball, and ironman sunglasses! yipee!
