Well.. I got my workout done tonight.. after mowing the lawn.. Legs, back, oops. forgot bis.. but I blew out the legs and back.. I did leg extensions, squats, lunges, deadlifts, lat pull downs, bent over flies, .. I did 12 to 15 of each and did rounds of 4 total. My legs are already feeling it soooo tomorrow morning will probably not be pretty. .. after a week off.. if feels great to be lifting again..After lifting I play basketball with the family.. took on DH and of course used every muscle I had to get that ball away from the guy who is like a gorilla to me.. I was huffin and puffin.. but we had a great time.. the kids got a real big kick out of me when I stole the ball from daddy and put it under my shirt .. fun to be outside able to run and jump and giggle.
I wanted to put Misty's comment on my actual post.. because she said some GREAT things in this ... .. Misty.. thanks so much for commenting.. and all I can say is WOW! :)
"Ruth, this may get long;
however, I understand the questions and the feelings.
I see this life change as similar to being Jesus' girl. When I left the throne of my heart, I let Jesus sit and rule there. I don't own me anymore. I stood on the sale block of slavery and He bought me. He paid (dearly) for me and I am His. Forever. Not when I feel like it. Not when He puts me in the vice of discipline, but forever. It's a done deal. I think that's why Solomon says in Ecclesiates 5 "Be careful when you utter a vow to God. Do not delay in fulfilling it..." God is serious about keeping His promises and He expects us to be as serious about it as He is. That's why we get the Holy Spirit ... to make a way for us to be promise keepers, too. It's not supposed to be automatic or easy, just to be done.
Changing from a way of life that is temporary satisfaction (food/comfort) to a vision/goal of obedience is pretty darn hard for us with the sin nature. That's why God says in Psalms that He "knows we are dust". He knows it will be hard. As long as we are here on earth in this earthly tent then we will struggle.
I eat for comfort. That is a direct relation to Who I am comforted by. I'm telling God when I comfort eat, "Sorry, you aren't as comforting as this ice cream sandwich." How lame, but it's true. As long as I live, I will struggle with comfort eating. I need to know that, accept it and fight against it. Like the apostle Paul said, "I beat my body into submission..." This is a race, this human life. It's a fight. Our sin nature can not win ... we are owned by the Lamb and he paid so dearly for our freedom.
I know this struggle that you so eloquently described. (I'm using Nutrisystem as my tool for change.) I have been so strong in this body/mind/heart change that I'm doing now, but I've also been so discouraged that I wanted to give up. And did give up for a day.
Praise God for grace that does not let me go.
I'll stop now. :) I'll keep praying for you and all of us as we seek to "beat our bodies into submission". When you get knocked out and you open your eyes to the ref standing over you counting, just jump up. Don't lay there and "kill the grass". In this struggle, you do not have to look good to fight, you just have to fight. The enemy will not and can not win.
Big hugs! Misty"
Thanks for helping me visualize myself as a fighter.. I might not look good.. I might not be "perfect" but I WILL keep fighting! Thanks for being my cheering section all you ladies! This blog thing has turned into so much more than I thought it would be. I KNOW its the only reason I havent back slid into my old ways and returned to who I use to be a year ago.
I wanted to put Misty's comment on my actual post.. because she said some GREAT things in this ... .. Misty.. thanks so much for commenting.. and all I can say is WOW! :)
"Ruth, this may get long;
however, I understand the questions and the feelings.
I see this life change as similar to being Jesus' girl. When I left the throne of my heart, I let Jesus sit and rule there. I don't own me anymore. I stood on the sale block of slavery and He bought me. He paid (dearly) for me and I am His. Forever. Not when I feel like it. Not when He puts me in the vice of discipline, but forever. It's a done deal. I think that's why Solomon says in Ecclesiates 5 "Be careful when you utter a vow to God. Do not delay in fulfilling it..." God is serious about keeping His promises and He expects us to be as serious about it as He is. That's why we get the Holy Spirit ... to make a way for us to be promise keepers, too. It's not supposed to be automatic or easy, just to be done.
Changing from a way of life that is temporary satisfaction (food/comfort) to a vision/goal of obedience is pretty darn hard for us with the sin nature. That's why God says in Psalms that He "knows we are dust". He knows it will be hard. As long as we are here on earth in this earthly tent then we will struggle.
I eat for comfort. That is a direct relation to Who I am comforted by. I'm telling God when I comfort eat, "Sorry, you aren't as comforting as this ice cream sandwich." How lame, but it's true. As long as I live, I will struggle with comfort eating. I need to know that, accept it and fight against it. Like the apostle Paul said, "I beat my body into submission..." This is a race, this human life. It's a fight. Our sin nature can not win ... we are owned by the Lamb and he paid so dearly for our freedom.
I know this struggle that you so eloquently described. (I'm using Nutrisystem as my tool for change.) I have been so strong in this body/mind/heart change that I'm doing now, but I've also been so discouraged that I wanted to give up. And did give up for a day.
Praise God for grace that does not let me go.
I'll stop now. :) I'll keep praying for you and all of us as we seek to "beat our bodies into submission". When you get knocked out and you open your eyes to the ref standing over you counting, just jump up. Don't lay there and "kill the grass". In this struggle, you do not have to look good to fight, you just have to fight. The enemy will not and can not win.
Big hugs! Misty"
Thanks for helping me visualize myself as a fighter.. I might not look good.. I might not be "perfect" but I WILL keep fighting! Thanks for being my cheering section all you ladies! This blog thing has turned into so much more than I thought it would be. I KNOW its the only reason I havent back slid into my old ways and returned to who I use to be a year ago.

Sounds like you got a great workout last night. B-ball is a great cardio, too, especially when you play against a big guy!
I walked my 3 miles this morning, so I'm off to a good start. woo-hoo!
hugs, Misty