Todays "run" was interesting. No bears or anything.. .. I will call todays run "gone to the dogs"

It all started when i headed down the street with Su and a lady in a mini van pulled up and asked if I had seen a big yellow dog .. she said she opened the door to take the kids to school and the dog just darted out. ... I said ahh.. no.. and was leaving when .. I spotted her dog.. I called it.. and of course it came to me cause I had Su.. the smelled each other allowing time for the owner to turn her car around and call the dog.. (rescue #1 complete the picture to the side is sorta what the dog looked like)

Well .. I got on campus and began to run and was in front of the Performing Arts Center .. when I saw a dog that was BBBEEAUUTIFUL!!! It was a Weimaraner and looked just like the one in THIS picture..
long story short.. he followed us home and eventually became my friend.. I got the # off the tag and Mr Owner came and picked him up. (Rescue #2 complete) :)
Even though I was working hard resuing dogs... I still manage to run and got a good workout in. I wanted to take it easy anyway cause I woke up at about 530 and almost fell twice as I was heading to the bathroom cause I was so dizzy! I still felt a bit dizzy at 730 but got to feeling better after a bit of apple.... I think it was a blood pressure or blood sugar thing.. (this hasnt happened to me in a LOOONG time!)
My eats so far today are good.. will post the details later tonight :)
Any dogs on your jog today?
I'm sorry about the dizziness...I know what that's like, it does not feel good!