My Theme for this challenge: "PROGRESS"
Theme song: "ITS ON" is a new favorite song from Superchick: .
"It all comes down to this
You take your best shot, might miss
You take it anyway
You're gonna make your move today
Got the will, you'll find the way
To change the world some day
Grab this moment before it's gone
Today's your day
It's on and on
Today's your day
So c'mon bring it on
And the view will never change
Unless you decide to change it
Don't feel like it today
Just show up anyways
And though life will take you down
It only matters if you let it
Get up, go through, press on
Today's your day
Bring it on
And though you want to quit
Don't think you can get through it
You've come to far to walk away
It's not gonna be today
And no matter how you feel
It's what you do that matters
This is your moment to be strong
Today's your day"
My last challenge I really struggled with making progress. That is why I have chosen this as my theme for this time around. When I say progress .. my goal will be to make significant progress throughout this challenge.. to make progress instead of just "settling for where I am" .. I truely believe its only trough working towards making progress that we dont fall back. I am either moving forward or sliding backward.. there is NO staying where I am. period. .. So.. With that .. I will leave you .. and post later today after I lift weights and walk the dog :)
I am sooooooo ready to start.. I am so tired of feeling bad.
Up coming posts will include
More Specific Goals, plans I have for the next twelve weeks!
check back here later for my workout! :)
6pm-post workout post
I walked the puppy.. also jogged three times .. approx. 1.5 miles then I hit the garage for my lifting. The dog is going to be a great running partner.. she LOVES to run.. and she is FINALLY getting the hang of walking on the leash.. I ran with her three times but once she ran in-between my legs and made me trip and ALMOST fall.. ..I am sure the neighbors got a real kick out of how silly i looked.. but hey.. PROGRESS right? The puppy will be running like a pro with me this summer!
on weights:
I did squats, leg extensions, dead-lifts, lat pulldowns(seated) and curls. It feels soooooo good to be back in there lifting!
In the morning we plan (DH and I) .. to be up between 530 and 6.. he will be first on the treadmill.. then me. We are planning on completely changing our sleeping schedule.. so we will go to bed at 9 and get up no later than 6. This will be a HUGE change for me.. but I know once I get use to it I will like it. I am giving it a week. If i make it a week .,. i know I can make it a month. After a month if I still dont like it.. I will go back to my way of sleeping and never worry about it again!
HUGE news! .. The treadmill is in the bedroom now! .. I can now run my HIITS in the warm house.. and not have an excuse of "its just too cold... or My cold weather running gear is not clean" anymore! yipee!!!!!
OK.. have to go for now.. kitchen to clean and my last "bad meal" of the week! (topped off with brownies and icecream! yummie!")