Hi.. care to join me on a run this afternoon? So glad you said yes! .. Here we go.. lace up those shoes!
ok.. we are just going to walk briskly to the campus.. to get warmed up.
Light jog until we stretch? ok
. up ahead you will see our first stretching spot.
Now.. deep breathing and streching while reading the scriptures :)

Angell.. this one made me think of you :)
Heres the large pond they are putting in.. just lacks landscaping and a bit more water. OK.. hows you breathing now? feeling ok?
ok.. now a brisk walk.. get ready for our first sprint..
read this one quickly we are fixing to sprint again!
another sprint? ok!
Oh.. I am tired.. but ok. if you insist.. spring #3. (huff puff)
I need to walk.. .. ok.. now lets go one more time .. sprint #4
SEE Look.. we are almost done! you are doing great.. ME? oh.. I am dying!
Sprint #5? .. Ugh.. ok..
ok.. one more.. this is the last one.. Running as fast as I can! how bout you?
Ok.. goodgrief! what did you do to me today? I dont feel so hot! I am tired! who invented these sprint anyway!
Home stretch.. walking.. walking.. breath.. ugh
Almost there!
Theres the house!
Lets sit in the swing and visit for a minute! .. OH.. WAIT.. I almost forgot.. Have to do abs! OK.. get up!
OH.. look.. what a great reward waiting on the porch for us! SWEET!
Thanks so much for going with me today.. Wasnt it amazing how we were the only ones out today.. Guess most people are still in church OR going out to eat at noon on a Sunday.. .. I am glad I put chicken in the oven and brocolli in the steamer before I left the house smells so good when I walk in! ..
Heres my abwork lowdown:
150 incline situps-twists
50 hip raises
stretched! (thanks for the reminder!)
So.. thats it for today.. I am off to continue to get the house in order.. clothes to wash and fold, boxes to go through.. bed to make.. kitchen to clean.. then its Bible Bowl for Cat at 430..
Yall have a fun day!

Thanks so much for going with me today.. Wasnt it amazing how we were the only ones out today.. Guess most people are still in church OR going out to eat at noon on a Sunday.. .. I am glad I put chicken in the oven and brocolli in the steamer before I left the house smells so good when I walk in! ..
Heres my abwork lowdown:
150 incline situps-twists
50 hip raises
stretched! (thanks for the reminder!)
So.. thats it for today.. I am off to continue to get the house in order.. clothes to wash and fold, boxes to go through.. bed to make.. kitchen to clean.. then its Bible Bowl for Cat at 430..
Yall have a fun day!