You know what????

"HEY! You know what?"

"Sprints make you tired"

I did my pushups from 100pushups place (with my hubby.. he did more)
I did 20 mins of sprint work... 8 sprints all but one on max speed of 10.
I did abdancing, inclined situps, hipups


I am tired. hungry and need to go just sit :)


and I stink!

dont you smell that stink in the air????


ME :)


Josha said…
extraordinary performance!
Amy said…
Ha ha - gotta love the stink, Ruthie (well, maybe not...)!
RunKathyRun said…
Yes they do, but it is a good tired....
Anonymous said…
Yup, I can identify! Specially the stink! ;) Awesome, inspirational job sista!