what a crazy last few days. I have been so tired. my youngest is still coughing but other than that is much better.... played a bit outside today and mean homeschooling mom I am .. he did math :)
I took a 1.5 hour nap this afternoon and woke up better but still tired.
I made breakfast for supper (bacon, eggs, biscuits, gravy) which we havent had in a long while.... I ate a piece of bacon along with the other stuff... it was good... but as always when I eat a heavy meal I felt full and sluggish instead of energized.
I headed out the door about 45 mins later... knowing a run is what I needed to make me feel better.
It was dark but I felt good knowing I was really visible with my nightlife jacket :) the weather has been amazing today ... when I headed out the door it was 50 degrees and no wind ... woowhoo!
I did 2.5 miles... average a 8 min mile! woowhoo..... when I was running I was actually going a bit faster as I walked a bit and also had to wait to cross the street :).... I am very very happy with that pace considering a few days off and little sleep :)
I did learn that bacon isnt that great for a run (ha).. which i already knew :)... and dont know if I will eat it for a long long long time ....
now.. I will be doing my pushups... 14, 16, 12, 12 and 17 with 90 seconds in between.. If I DONT do the sets listed then I will update this post with what I did do... If you dont see an update then that means I did all of them :)
When I was a block from home i thought... I am a runner. I am a runner..... I truely turned into a RUNNER. Someone who loves to run, someone who just feels bad when I DONT run, someone who knows running makes me feel great. Wow.
ok.. i managed 14, 16, 12, 12, and 12 (instead of 17 for burnout).. it was HARD but i am done!
feels good.