60 min run ..will NOT be done

need to get a 60 min run in today... dont know when... gotta sick boy... going to the dr afterwhile... little sleep last night...
the life of a fit mom isnt easy.. but better than the life of an unfit mom :)

today i will choose fit
i will run my 60 mins
take a nap
keep going..

half marathons a few weeks away

i wanna break 2 hours....that means i need to work at it every day until then...

i will post as soon as I am finished.

well.. my boy has coup... dr said we would prob have another rough night tonight... still wanna get my run in.. we will see.. Praying no one else gets it... my daughter has sealed herself in her room ... she really wants to stay well so she can run at the track meet this weekend :)

you know when life gets in the way.. it makes you want to go back to your old ways. Lack of sleep always brings me back to wanting a coke first thing in the morning (which i wanted this morning but didnt do) and also has me thinking for a split second that some sugar in my tea or candy would make me feel so much better..........habits... you think they are broken but then realize that stress, lack of sleep, or other "life" happenings will throw you back to your old comfort zones.
I am not believing the lies today... i am still sugar free... i am tired but plan on napping in just a few minutes (after I drink my hot tea and eat my peanut butter protein balls)......sleep is what i need... not non-food to mask what is really wrong.

update 800pm
ok.. i give up
i took an hour nap today felt good.. but was crazy dizzy when i woke up... I did cave and have a teaspoon of sugar in my tea.... urgh
its all good though.. only a teaspoon.. :) i am totally alright with that ..
i was dizzy on and off all day today so after I rested and the floor was still moving I put my ear on a very hot towel and that helped a LOT... i know its just allergies but i have NEVER had dizziness like that...

so... on to tomorrow... (praying for a restfull night eventhough the dr said it would be another rough one :)....

happy i am strong and healthy enough to take care of my baby and know my fitness has helped me not be as worried or stressed :) fitness is a great addition to the moms tools to minister to her children


Amy said…
So sorry to hear your son is sick - and you aren't feeling too well, either - I can totally relate. It so often seems that when you get yourself into a good groove, life pokes its head up and decides it needs to throw you a wrench! And I know what you mean about going back to unhealthy old ways - I am guilty of this too, whenever a hit a stressful situation. And is there anything more stressful for us full time moms than a sick kid? Hang in there and I hope everyone is well soon.