When was the last time.........

When was the last time you had the energy of a 5 or 6 year old? Do you remember what being 6 felt like? I do.... .I would wake up full of energy jumping out of bed and rushing to the kitchen to try and see my dad before he rushed off to work. I remember being so active during the day that my mom would have to fuss at me to come inside for lunch or supper. I was always up a tree or on the roof. (Dont tell mom)....I remember riding my bike with my sister and going to play tennis for fun for hours. I remember 2 hour softball practices I would ride my bike too and from. (atleast 1.5 miles each way) ... I remember I hated school and couldnt wait for recess where I could go run and get all hot and sweaty..

Could you climb a tree today if you had too? Could you POP out of bed? How bout a 3 mile bike ride followed by 1 hour tennis session? Softball anyone? OR.. how bout a hour recess.. no sitting down playing patty cake... you have to recess for a whole hour...PLAY .. upside down on the monkey bars, up n down the slide a billion times... swing. .....how bout it? Right now... lets go.

When was the last time you were at the Doctors office? When was the last time you felt rested? When was the last time you felt confident and happy like a 6 year old? How long has it been since you have felt the JOY of activity? When was the last time you remember being happy with how strong and fit you were?

I dont understand why people settle.  I just dont.
I was the 4th child. I have always been rebellious. I have always fought to get my way. I always wanted to be as awesome as my siblings. To settle for me has never been an option. I could NEVER stay settled. I always wanted to be like my siblings. I always wanted to be strong and confident and independent. So.... I dont understand why people settle.
Sure.... I have had my share of down times... I get the fact of the busy-ness of life and putting your family and work before your health. I get all that.... but even when i was in the mist of my unhealthy phase of life I hated it.  I wanted out BAD. I would give up but only for a short amount of time... then I would try again.

So.... its heartbreaking to me to see people who have settled. Dont they know they have the power to be what they want to be. Dont they realize how STRONG they really are? Dont they know that life will be over before we know it and the regrets will start setting in?

Sometimes I want to scream "HURRY BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!!!" ... "dont you see what your missing... how wonderful you could feel about yourself and how amazing you could be and how many people you could inspire???" .........but most of the time I just become sad and pray. Because to settle means to be ok with where your at. For some people that means carrying around 50 or 100lbs extra... for some it means painful feet, back, and necks.... for some it means medical bills and pain medication... for some it mean overwelming sadness and a feeling of loss of what might have been.  .... so I pray and I ask God to give them the courage to be hopeful just one more time.

Because my friends we are meant to live a life that is full of energy. We are designed to be energetic and fit.

We have let our society tell us that eating CRAP is ok.
We have let the world tell us that carrying 50lbs more than we should is ok.
We have let the world tell us that we should show LOVE by bringing FOOD.
We have let the society make us believe that getting older means getting slower and weaker.


I am 44 and today I could go climb a try if I really wanted. I could go on a 25 mile bike ride if I wanted. I could play on the monkey bars like a kid if I wanted. I can POP out of bed. Is it EASY to be so different than the rest of the world? Is it EASY to eat radically different than everyone else? Is it EASY to say no to what everyone else yes too. ......no............but its worth it.

When was the last time you had a "wake up call"?  Why do we wait for a health scare to rock us into taking care of ourselves? You want to wait until the DR says "you have got to loose weight or you will end up with diabetes, or a heart attack".......why does a dr have to tell you that. Your SMART... you know.

When was the last time you spent as much energy on your health as you do you bank account?
When was the last time you chose to be the example your kids of what fit and healthy really means?

well, thats too long.

Please dont wait. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Today you can choose to be different that the world. You dont have to be a marathoner or a professional athlete to be fit and healthy. Take the time and research what works for you. Get HEALTHY.......your great-grandkids will thank you for it!
