13.1 on 42 or bust

Ok.. I am here to tell you.. tomorrow is my birthday :)
42 to be exact

Tomorrow morning I WILL complete 13.1 miles no matter how long it takes, not matter how early i have to get up! Hubby home with the kids, my sore throat is gone... and I am going for it!

Because MY BIRTHDAY ISNT ABOUT CAKE, OR PRESENTS, OR AGE.... its about CELEBRATING not being THIS OLD wornout person anymore!

EVERY YEAR UNTIL I DIE... ITS NO LESS THAN 13.1 FOR ME ON MY BIRTHDAY. thats just how its going to be.

thats me in the middle. Coach. Coach Ruthie. ......NEVER AGAIN will I be 
the old me!

tonight is about rest, fuel and getting ready.

Will post as soon as I am done. :)


Josha said…
you're awesome! can't wait to hear!