mind games

"I dont wanna
I do
I dont wanna
I do
I am not gonna
I am gonna
I dont feel good
I will feel better if I do
going back home
no your going to stay
but i dont wanna
but, no, really... you do."

THAT was my conversation with myself this morning. 5am, drizzling rain dark HUMID, I had NO energy. EVERYTHING was telling me to go home, get back in bed. I drove the car to campus. Parked. Sat there. "i dont wanna". I sat. .........

I started the car up, pulled out and started to leave....."I dont have any energy".. "I want to go home to bed"........Put it in reverse and parked again. "If i am here, i might as well"

I got out of the car, started walking, started running, "I dont wanna".... "I am going home"....turned around, took 10 steps ........"NO.. I can go home after a lap...only after 2 miles...THEN.. I can go home"
"you will feel better if you do it anyway"........
I sucked it up
I did it anyway.
I got to the car
I was still tired. no energy.

came home. happy I didnt it anyway. Husband was awake. did pushups with him. he had already done 20, 17, 15 ......So i did 20, 15, 10 and 5. Then... he threw my legs down.. for leg lifts I did 2 sets of 20 of those.. and they were HARD.. he was tough on me. .. ... and then I sat on his back while he did pushups (like Jillian does LOL)

I have now eaten breakfast, showered, and rested. I am happy I did my workout and look forward to having more energy tomorrow.

wonder why i have had this issue today?
You guessed it.
I ate too much sugar yesterday. I LOVE the fact I can feel what it does to my body now. I use to walk around in a daze, a blur, no energy, it was NORMAL. THIS was NORMAL. .

not anymore.

......On a HIGH NOTE:)

Went shopping yesterday

it was one of those trips to the dressing room i will never forget. Like those depressing trips i use to always deal with, its tooo little, (next size).. ITS too little, .... "fat in the mirror"......frustrated
But Yesterday was another thing
Yesterday I stood shocked.
I looked and looked at my image in the mirror not believing the jeans actually zipped up.
I yelled at my daughter who was in the room next door "what size are you?" .. she said "5".......

"no way. ....cant believe it"
she said "what what what"
I said "I just zipped up a 5"
she said "COOOOOOL MOM.. we can share!"

size jr 5

last time I was that size I was a sr in Highschool and I never ate. I would have one meal a day... sometimes just a candy bar and a coke. I was skin and bones. That was 23 years ago!
THIS IS DIFFERENT. THIS IS THE HEALTHY FIT ME....a very low sugar me. A me that LOVES healthy food and the energy I get from fueling my body!

I still cant believe it. My Mind isnt caught up with my body.

I bought a pair of dress pants......the jeans were nice but DD and I are going shopping again today hoping for a bit of a better deal ......:) it will be nice to have a pair of jeans that arent saggy bottom britches anymore :)

Off we go! :) ......oh.. and I am hoping to find some snazzy 6 inch heals to go with the jeans LOL :)


Jae said…
YOu go with your skinny, work out self! Enjoy the fruits of your labor!
Anonymous said…
That's so awesome!!! all of it!
You inspire me!
Josha said…
i'm expecting pictures....