16 mile Report

You know its funny. Sometimes I decide to do things and then I spend a LOT of time telling myself I am CRAZY for doing them.

This morning was one of those times. I woke up at 415 am.. (no alarm) and full of energy... I wasnt going to start running until closer to six.. but got ready and headed out the door.

The first 8 miles were not too good.

the first 8 miles were filled with that little person in my head telling me I am crazy, That I can't do this. I kept saying "why a full? could just do a half", "nothin to prove.. just do the half", "a full on my birthday? seriously? why?" , "I don't have enough hours in the day to train", "I am just too busy to do this right now... I should just do a half in my birthday and a full in the spring".......and on and on and on and on.........

The last 8 miles were on the treadmill. I wanted to run outside but I didnt have access to the potty.. and you know any gal whose had 3 kids needs to go potty a few times during a long run. So.. I got home and declared I would just finish on the mill. I set the pace for 10 min per mile and kept it up for a few miles, .. and every once in a while I would here "oh 13 miles will be enough" ... ha...
Then I kept thinking of Mr Leeper. The 70 old ultra marathon man who did 77 miles on his bike and finished last. I kept thinking of him and kept telling myself... what's my excuse.

8 miles on the treadmill.. with the last 2 miles being at a 8:30 pace, then I was so ready to be done that I cranked it up to 6:30 per mile pace and held that for about half a mile, then back to 8:30 pace ... then back to 10 for cool down.

the funny thing is..........
I felt great! Well, I mean physically I felt great! I told my hubby that i was amazed at how easy it was.......physically. Mentally today .. I was a wreck. But physically, I was strong. My legs felt great, my lungs, felt great .....no side stitches, no physical reason to quit. ......

Running is more mental than physical. Today.........it sure was.

I am soooo happy i didn't listen to that little voice in my head.


suprchica said…
Ruthie, I get so inspired by your perseverance!! I have a question, do you run at a track or on the street. My issue is not getting out of bed and getting my miles on, but rather, safety. My local gym doesn't open until 5:30am and I'd just love to do the 4am runs before the start of my crazy days. Hubby can't go with 'cause someone has to be home with the kids and my friends are virtually afraid of running (isn't that silly??) Any pointers? Thanks and God bless ya :)!
Sarah said…
LOVE that video!
Heather said…
I really liked the video! thanks for sharing. so true when he said if you can defeat that person, you will learn how to not quit when things get hard in your life!!