You know its funny. Sometimes I decide to do things and then I spend a LOT of time telling myself I am CRAZY for doing them.
This morning was one of those times. I woke up at 415 am.. (no alarm) and full of energy... I wasnt going to start running until closer to six.. but got ready and headed out the door.
The first 8 miles were not too good.
the first 8 miles were filled with that little person in my head telling me I am crazy, That I can't do this. I kept saying "why a full? could just do a half", "nothin to prove.. just do the half", "a full on my birthday? seriously? why?" , "I don't have enough hours in the day to train", "I am just too busy to do this right now... I should just do a half in my birthday and a full in the spring".......and on and on and on and on.........
The last 8 miles were on the treadmill. I wanted to run outside but I didnt have access to the potty.. and you know any gal whose had 3 kids needs to go potty a few times during a long run. So.. I got home and declared I would just finish on the mill. I set the pace for 10 min per mile and kept it up for a few miles, .. and every once in a while I would here "oh 13 miles will be enough" ... ha...
Then I kept thinking of Mr Leeper. The 70 old ultra marathon man who did 77 miles on his bike and finished last. I kept thinking of him and kept telling myself... what's my excuse.
8 miles on the treadmill.. with the last 2 miles being at a 8:30 pace, then I was so ready to be done that I cranked it up to 6:30 per mile pace and held that for about half a mile, then back to 8:30 pace ... then back to 10 for cool down.
the funny thing is..........
I felt great! Well, I mean physically I felt great! I told my hubby that i was amazed at how easy it was.......physically. Mentally today .. I was a wreck. But physically, I was strong. My legs felt great, my lungs, felt great .....no side stitches, no physical reason to quit. ......
Running is more mental than physical. Today.........it sure was.
I am soooo happy i didn't listen to that little voice in my head.