Since getting off sugar I have noticed some amazing changes. I have decided to do a few posts related to these changes. Some are see, some are unseen :)... Todays topic..
Below you will see three photos and explanations under each one :)

The above photo was taken in Aug of 08. I was just starting to grow my hair out and made the commitment to do so until Dec of that year. In this photo it took a LOT of work to get my hair to look as full as it does in this shot. Two different hair products and a blow dry, plus spray. (on sugar)

this shot above was taken in Aug of 09. Still had a lot of product on it. I contemplated cutting it off again because it looked so thin and stringy. I am also wearing a LOT of makeup (still on sugar)
Since giving up sugar I have noticed my hair isnt falling out near as much as it use too AND it seems to becoming thicker! its also growing faster!
Above was taken today. This is with just a bit of oil on it and a blow dry. I put no product on it to make it fuller like a gel. and it only has two squirts of spray to keep it out of my face, instead of tons of teasing and fluffing.
I am also wearing only makeup on my eyes.
It seems my face and hair are liking no sugar.
Is this because:
"Refined sugar is void of all nutrients, consequently it causes the body to deplete its own stores of various vitamins, minerals and enzymes. If sugar consumption is continued, an over-acid condition results, and more minerals are needed from deep in the body to correct the imbalance. If the body is lacking the nutrients used to metabolize sugar, it will not be able to properly handle and rid itself of the poisonous residues."
could my hair and skin been lacking in vitamins and minerals etc because of my sugar intake?
I think so.
The other important thing is that I eat WAY more fruit and veggies than ever in my life! No sugar plus MORE whole nutrient rich foods is what I think is making the difference here.
stay tuned next time to see
1 . what in the world my blog will actually look like
2. more benefits of no sugar
Below you will see three photos and explanations under each one :)

The above photo was taken in Aug of 08. I was just starting to grow my hair out and made the commitment to do so until Dec of that year. In this photo it took a LOT of work to get my hair to look as full as it does in this shot. Two different hair products and a blow dry, plus spray. (on sugar)

this shot above was taken in Aug of 09. Still had a lot of product on it. I contemplated cutting it off again because it looked so thin and stringy. I am also wearing a LOT of makeup (still on sugar)
Since giving up sugar I have noticed my hair isnt falling out near as much as it use too AND it seems to becoming thicker! its also growing faster!

I am also wearing only makeup on my eyes.
It seems my face and hair are liking no sugar.
Is this because:
"Refined sugar is void of all nutrients, consequently it causes the body to deplete its own stores of various vitamins, minerals and enzymes. If sugar consumption is continued, an over-acid condition results, and more minerals are needed from deep in the body to correct the imbalance. If the body is lacking the nutrients used to metabolize sugar, it will not be able to properly handle and rid itself of the poisonous residues."
could my hair and skin been lacking in vitamins and minerals etc because of my sugar intake?
I think so.
The other important thing is that I eat WAY more fruit and veggies than ever in my life! No sugar plus MORE whole nutrient rich foods is what I think is making the difference here.
stay tuned next time to see
1 . what in the world my blog will actually look like
2. more benefits of no sugar
i gotta get a look at it :) will tomorrow.. its just a oil to protect when you blow it dry :) silk something LOL