Ok yeah so I am hooked up to all these wires... the stickies are drivin me crazy and I would rather just yank them off .. thank you very much.. I thought I would get use to them but nope.. they are still annoying me..
But whats a girl to do?
I decided I can't sit around feeling "monitored" all day.... so of course I just had to go with the flow and get up this morning and workout :)
I did Upper Body:
chest press, chest flies
shoulder press and front shoulder raises
bi curls and hammer curls
tricep extensions and tri pull downs
happy that I am going up in weight and getting stronger with every workout :) I was soooooooo excited when i went up to 25lbs again on bi curls and did 20s on shoulder press... I also did front shoulder raises with light weight as i hadnt done those in about a year! ...(since i hurt my shoulder)... I felt NO pain or twinge at all in my shoulders.. and that is sooooo cool cause i really really think i am back to normal now... :)
so whats a girl to do when she feels watched, monitored and annoyed by crazy medical equipment? ... .. well.. you gotta just get over it and get those workouts in anyway :)
t minus 27hours 41 mins until device removal :) i cant wait!
oh.. and today is our 19th wedding ann....... what a sexy wife i am today huh?