Well.. I think i am finally getting on schedule and use to being up early in the morning :) I woke up at 6 this morning.. which was great.. had some time to do laundry and wake up before getting the kids out of bed ..It sure made me want to get out the door before 7am.. its sooo beautiful here when the sun is just waking up :) I plan on Friday when I run my 10 miler to leave about 615.. so i can enjoy it and be finished before it gets to hot.
I wanted to run for 60 mins today but ended up going for only about45. I managed a bit over 3 miles but for some unknown reason I just pooped out .. ZERO energy to keep running.
So I am happy with what I could do :) and not worrying about it.. I dont want to push myself until i know whats going on with me...
OH Yeah.. and look at the new shoes that DH ordered for me yesterday! I am soooooo excited! :) They are just like the ones i have now.. only RED :)
Now I am on the hunt for a winter running outfit... my goal is to actually run outside a lot more this winter but i need to be prepared :) .. so if you know of any sales-websites .. let me know :)
Have a Happy day!
Tminus 5 hours 31 mins until device removal.. :)
I am now FREE from all wires and electronic devices! ahhhhhhh freedom feels so grand!
sierratradingpost.com for good prices on good stuff
thats where he ordered my shoes! :) awesome site :)