no workout sunday... no meat either

well the foot is sore.. bruised feeling and a tad swollen but no blue or black.. so thats good i think :)
i can walk on it and its sore but requires no limping... hoping a few days of rest will do the trick... will play it by ear tomorrow... if i cant run i will at least try and get some laps in the pool. it feels much better when i have my running shoes on instead of walking around barefooted. :)

loving greensmoothiegirl stuff.. i still havent made a green smoothie yet but WILL tomorrow :)

had a veggie meal at local mexican food restaurant today... the BEST quesadilla i have ever had.. SPINACH! and alllyummy!

and oh.. I can dream cant i?
what a blender!

$$ yikes!

someday :)


Laura said…
you will love the smoothie, i promise. Since I can't manage to part w/ that much on a blender either, about once a month i borrow JRo's and blend 2 huge bags of spinach w/ the coconut oil, freeze them in ice cube trays. Then I'm ready to rock and roll. great friend she is!
JRo said…
Oh, but the blender has been worth every penny I spent on it! I could have paid 25 cents for every time I have used it, and it would have paid for itself already! I love it that much! I have made green ice cream in that sucker and it was actually yummy! SOOOo worth the $$. I worked a side job to pay for it... try that!
Ruthie said…
I figure if you look at it like an appliance it really is the same as you would spend on an oven or dishwasher...
gotta save up for sure :) put it on the list :)

so cool :)