Wardrobe Malfunction on this morings run!

more details after track :)

ok.. here is the story.

woke up this morning at 5am.. finally got out of bed at 545 and dressed.
this is where i messed up.
I wore a running skirt that a friend gave me and it ended up with rubbing in all the wrong places.
I also forgot to put on my "no rub" lotion (if you know what i mean)..

so.. after 2 miles of tugging and adjusting and rubbing, and tuggin some more..
i came home.
I changed my skirt to my Nike skirt that i have had for ever and knew how it would wear :)
and headed back out the door and up to campus for 2 more miles.

4 miles total
first 2 miles .. 18:32 (with all the tugging and pulling)
second 2 miles .. 17:29 (with NO rubbing or tugging or pulling:)

it was a beautiful morning!

and i learned my lesson..
it does matter what you wear! and now i understand why all those distance runners (professionals) run in outfits that look like bathing suites) :) NO Adjustments required.



Laura said…
I am very impressed - you went back out. I would have stayed home and called it a day at 2miles.
Gracyn said…
haha, much more tame than the janet jackson impression I got from the post's title!
I ran in my human race 10k shirt yesterday to make sure I wanted to wear it on the 31st for the actual 10k day. I wanted to make sure it was comfy, not scratchy and that it didn't "ride up" anywhere and that the "iron-on-type" design didn't bug me in some way. It worked great, so yippee!
Gracyn said…
"me" is josha...my kids have been on my computer again!