UGH.. this week was GREAT as far as Art Education.. but BAD as far as 1/2 marathon training.
So.. whats a super girl to do? ..
Door #1:
Dont worry about only running a total of 4 miles this week and run 10 tomorrow anyway.
Door #2:
Dont worry about only running a total of 4 miles this week and run 6 tomorrow. .... leaving the 10 mile run for next Saturday.
Door #3:
Dont worry about only running a total of 4 miles this week and just get up and run and run as far as i feel like it over and above 6 ... leaving the 10 mile run for next Saturday.
Lessons learned this week:
#1. I MUST make my meals and training a priority during camp weeks.. no matter what.
#2. I MUST make this week my total prep week and get things together:), making Camp week much easier.
#3. IF i LET life get in the way.. it will.
#4. Yet another lesson learned that its all about PROGRESS.. not PERFECTION.
Heres the question:
Do i really and truly want to run 13.1 miles on july 4th? .. YES... then.. i must do the work now to get there.... :)
Off to bed.. then up to run at 6ish.