wasnt much but it was. ..

it wasnt much of a workout from what i am use too .. but at least i did it right?????????

This is going to be tough for me to figure out what will work .... I am determined to not let this derail my weight loss.. but to be honest I have always worked out hard .. I dont want to sound like I am wanting a pity party or anything but I literally started crying while doing bi curls tonight!
Its just that I have worked so hard for so long.. i dont want to lose it!

Heres what I did:
Bicep curls with both arms.. I could only do 5lbs on my hurt arm .. i went up to 8 and my shoulder "clicked" hummmmmm.. so.. i did no weight on the next rep and 5lbs after that.. I decided 5lbs of high reps was the thing to do.. no clicking noise, no pain, no biggie. .. I also did my stretching exercises.. and those hurt again.. (i forgot to call the doc)... but with my GOOD Arm.. I did 4 sets of 15.. and triceps too.. just one armed it.

I think what i am going to have to do is do more cardio.. for the simple fact of stress relief.. I use my workouts as my "alone" time and "destress" time.. so.. I might need to add a 30 min walk in my lifting days just to get the stress edges off before hand..

Eats.. well.. not as good as last week.. but I am still getting my salads in and trying hard to stay away from the sodas.. (the free day on the weekend throws me back into drinking those durn things!).... as a side note.. a side effect of the medicine i am taking is an increase in appetite .. I hate taking medicine! urgh.

heres to working out.. even if its NOT what i am use too..

if you feel good.. do a few chest flies for me.. I miss those things..!


Anonymous said…
HI Ruthie, thanks so much for the encouraging comments on my blog. so appreciated. I am sorry for this shoulder issue you have. am not sure what to tell you in that regard. you did ask about my leg workout options I will have to do at home. Basically I'll be doing mostly bodyweight type exercises with squats and lunges, jump squats, etc. I might resort to squatting with one of my "smaller" children on my back. my 3 1/2 yo. might fit the bill or my 11 yo who is about 85 lbs. she might be a tad heavy for me now...will have to give it a go, if they are willing to help mommy. lol.
well, don't lose heart. something will work out for you.
Josha said…
Well, I'm no doctor, but how many stories have you read about people who beat the odds? People whose doctors told them what they'd never do again, and then they were patient and continued to persevere and did exactly the thing they were told they'd never do. that's your story, Ruth. Persevere! You HAVE worked hard, so keep your focus and take this opportunity to work on the marathon ideas. Get lean and mean! ;)
Anonymous said…
I think I can leave comments on your blogspot blog!!! Woo hoo!!!
sauchagirl said…
Have you ever tried doing Pilates? I have taken quite a few classes and every Pilates instructor I have ever had claims that Pilates will heal all pains. It is a strenth and toning workout and what they "massages". If you have a local studio maybe it wouldn't hurt to try a few sessions and see if it gives you a workout that you are looking for.

Thinking of you!
Josha said…
oooh, yeah! Pilates. There are good dvd's at walmart too! Giam's is good and the 10 minute solution is too. Nice new soreness.