it wasnt much of a workout from what i am use too .. but at least i did it right?????????
This is going to be tough for me to figure out what will work .... I am determined to not let this derail my weight loss.. but to be honest I have always worked out hard .. I dont want to sound like I am wanting a pity party or anything but I literally started crying while doing bi curls tonight!
Its just that I have worked so hard for so long.. i dont want to lose it!
Heres what I did:
Bicep curls with both arms.. I could only do 5lbs on my hurt arm .. i went up to 8 and my shoulder "clicked" hummmmmm.. so.. i did no weight on the next rep and 5lbs after that.. I decided 5lbs of high reps was the thing to do.. no clicking noise, no pain, no biggie. .. I also did my stretching exercises.. and those hurt again.. (i forgot to call the doc)... but with my GOOD Arm.. I did 4 sets of 15.. and triceps too.. just one armed it.
I think what i am going to have to do is do more cardio.. for the simple fact of stress relief.. I use my workouts as my "alone" time and "destress" time.. so.. I might need to add a 30 min walk in my lifting days just to get the stress edges off before hand..
Eats.. well.. not as good as last week.. but I am still getting my salads in and trying hard to stay away from the sodas.. (the free day on the weekend throws me back into drinking those durn things!).... as a side note.. a side effect of the medicine i am taking is an increase in appetite .. I hate taking medicine! urgh.
heres to working out.. even if its NOT what i am use too..
if you feel good.. do a few chest flies for me.. I miss those things..!
well, don't lose heart. something will work out for you.
Thinking of you!