I've had enough (UPDATE)

I've had enough of being sick.
had a rough night last night. and I am just exhausted.
I have a Dr appointment for this afternoon. I think a shot is in order.

will let you know what he says.

sick and tired of being sick and tired.

(ps.. my leg ARE sore from yesterdays squats.... that's at least progress)

UPDATE: 628pm
ugh..long wait at dr office... sinus infection.. got one HUGE shot and one not so huge shot. (2 shots total:) no fun.. almost passed out. ugh.
just laying around for the next day or so and see if i can kick this.
yall have some great workouts without me.. at least now I can actually believe that next week i will be well. :)

more later


sauchagirl said…
Hope you start to feel better soon!
JW said…
Definitely get that shot next year, Girl! Sorry you are down and out. I am kinda the same, but plugging on anyway. It's all we can do, right? HEALING VIBES your way ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
sauchagirl said…
I'm glad to hear your on your way to recovery. Shots stink but now you know you'll get better! Rest up!
Jae said…
Two shots are always better than one... :(
You're on the down hill side now...hang in there. Love ya! Jojo
Josha said…
wondering how you are today....
miss you!
Unknown said…
Get to feeling better and get some great rest in! Can't wait to see you up and about soon!
sauchagirl said…
Wondering how your doing? Hope the meds are helping and you are back to normal soon! Hugs