Tuesdays plan (UPDATED!)

Exercise Plan
Hiit training done before 9am (DONE 9:02)
Upper body this afternoon

NO sodas today (DONE)
eat on track (NOPE)

Eats List:
1.peanut butter on toast, tea, water
2.almonds, water
3.chicken hot wings, potatoes (fried :()
4.salad, tea
5.shake.. yes.. a shake.. but it was blue bell ice cream and m&ms.. WHAT? yep.. I caved!

Other things:
  • I love the layout that Janelle using so I am stealing it for a while.. It did feel so good to put a big red DONE beside those things I accomplished. ;)
  • My plan for the week is to count yesterday as my day off from working out.. My goal is to have 6 days a week with no missed workouts until June.... I will float my day off as needed but I must get 6 days in :)
  • I am running this morning because I am SOOOOOOO sore! I want to be able to walk today:)
  • I never did do my strength test so I will do that Saturday when its a bit warmer and that will be my strength test for the next blitz.
  • I am going to get my calender out today too and mark my days off AND put in my workouts including my pushup training. :)
UPDATE 9.02am
Tried a new thing today when I ran Hiits.. instead of listening to music I listened to Dave Ramsey... and I really liked it! So if you are tired of the same old same old.. you can download podcasts like Dave's. (just do a search on Itunes for Podcast's Dave Ramsey show.. they are free!)I also talked to a friend who said she listens to books on tape.. and the only time she can listen is when she is on the treadmill or eliptical .. .... I might try that too!!! kinda cool cause I really didnt think I would like it but I did!

UPDATE 946pm
Yeah well.. eats were not so good today.. but I did feel so good today! had lots of energy and just felt great! I know its cause I ate every three hours AND because of HIITS! .. so focusing on the positive and not the neg.. feeling good about today.. I wasnt perfect .. but who is? :)
Looking forward to tomorrow.. its my busy day.. but I will get my upper body done tomorrow.. no problem.. I decided to just leave cardio to today and lift weights tomorrow.. then I will just alternate from there until I start blitzin on Monday again!

hope you all have a great day!
I am Hiiting it!



JW said…
Great job getting your work out in when you wanted to do it. :)

I will have to look up Dave Ramsey. Sometimes I get frustrated with music because the song isn't "just right" to get me going. Sometimes I even just like the silence. I haven't tried audio, yet. Will give it a whirl today at my naptime HIIT.

Keep strong!
Josha said…
that's one reason that I like my nike +. You can choose a "power song" and press the button when you are ready to really move, so you aren't stuck with patsy kline when you want to push yourself.
I got Sara nike+ for her birthday, but it won't work with her fancy ipod! bummer!
sauchagirl said…
I got stuck on a slow song the other day right when I was supposed to hit a 9 and I feel like it really messed up the mood for me. I know what your saying.

I may adopt that format at some point too if I can't get my butt in gear! : )

Have a great day!
Unknown said…
Keep it up girl! Can't wait to blitz together!