Making Progress

Well.. It seems I am making progress.. finally :) ..

I have stopped running fever and dont feel as exhausted all the time. I didnt sleep that well last night but I felt good enough to get up and fix breakfast for the kids.. so.. its progress :)

I will wait and see what my cough does .. hoping this doesnt turn into asthma like i have had before.. :) ..

I am just happy i feel better.. i have such cabin fever its crazy.. tired of laying on that couch.. it was so beautiful outside yesterday I was just wishing i could go out and run.. but know I need to take easy and get back into my workouts slowly.. .. (maybe i will actually like the rest time between sets now :) hehhe..


Josha said…
I'm so glad to see a post from means you are doing better! I'm so glad!
Tearose said…
So glad your finally feeling better! :D
Unknown said…
keep resting and feeling better!