ultra fast typing here! UPDATED

ok.. so.. 15 min until we leave to go swimming with the cousins :) so not much time...

I just finished upper body, incline chest press, flies, shoulder flies and press, and tri pulls/extensions.. my muscles are tired! so thats good..I will do pushups and some upper body work with the exercise ball this afternoon:)

I have done the lifting before breakfast but I have a shake to drink on the way to the pool :)
will pack on target eats for lunch and plan to not start my free day until tomorrow morning (not that I am craving anything)..

more later tonight after I successfully make a great day of eats! :)

one brick at a time builds a new building, one day at a time builds a new body!!.... heres to having the first few brinks of the day in place already:)

swimming was great.. eats were on track with the exception of 4 skittles :) will have free meal tonight and then on track eats for breakfast tomorrow morning as I am going for a bike ride in the country again :) hope to do around 14 miles :)

On the weight lifting front.. make a note to yourself that when you do a new exercise to take it slow and do lighter weights that normal. I did incline bench press this morning and it seems I hurt my right shoulder a bit. ... I will take it easy the next upper body I do and I am glad that's not until next wednesday.. :)

I am off to eat pizza and watch a movie and just vegggggg. I need to.. I am tired :) too much painting and swimming this week :)

happy friday to y'all



Josha said…
I did the exact same thing with incline press while Sara was here. It was very painful even to breathe, but I put heat on it and took advil and it was short-lived. So, you never answered my "how long do these bike rides take?" question...
4 skittles! that's self-control!