Now THATS a great cup o endorphins:)! (updated)

Do you like to wake up to a great cup o coffee?The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Well I dont.. but this morning I feel like I drank 6 cups of the stuff! Why? you ask... well its because of endorphins AHH.. the best cup of coffee I never had!

I did cardio first thing this morning.. there is just something about getting up while everyone else is still asleep and be alone for a while...watching the sunrise while breathing in the cool morning air! Its definately the best time of day to do cardio for many reasons.. heres mine:
  • I can get up and get out without any interuption, knowing that I WILL get cardio done and not have to wait until someone can watch the kids... ( happened last time I was to do cardio.. as I was leaving.. literally going out the door.. DH got a phone call that he had to go to work.. ... leaving me stressed ... I tried hard not to be.. but i was... ... maybe THATs why i had such a great run :)
  • I burn more fat first thing in the morning.. If you workout on an empty stomach and do cardio then you burn more fat off your body... I think Bill Phillips said you can burn up to 300% more fat while doing cardio first thing in the morning... here's what someone else said:

    "Although most academic types don't believe in the morning cardio theory, there's plenty of research that supports it. I found it especially interesting that Dr. Mel Siff, Author of Facts and Fallacies of Fitness and moderator of the Supertraining Yahoo f orum, included a brief section in his book called "Slim Before Breakfast." He quoted a study lending support to the a.m. cardio theory. Dr. Siff wrote;

    "A study carried out at Kansas State University (Wilcox, Harford & Wedel Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise, 17:2, 1985), indicates that a kilogram of fat will be oxidized sooner when exercising in the fasted condition in the morning than when doing the same exercise in the afternoon. By measuring respiratory gas exchange, caloric expenditure, and carbohydrate and fatty acid metabolism, these researchers showed that the mass of fat burned during aerobic exercise amounts to 67% of the total energy expenditure achieved when the same exercise is done later in the day or in the fed state."
  • It starts my day out right.... destressing me even before he day begins. Gives me ME time .. time to think about the day, and the week, etc..
  • It gives me ME time.. no questions from anyone for atleast an hour :) No "whats for breakfast" while I am half awake, or " will you iron this for me" or " can we go here of there today" .. Just ME.... no questions asked :)
  • Its time to thank God for the amazing day and all the glorious gifts that go along with it.
So.. if you are not a "cardio first thing in the morning kinda person" or if you like the feeling coffee gives you but want to get off caffine.. I suggest giving it a try... you might be surprised how great you feel afterward :)

Heres to a beautiful day... Now I am off to fix breakfast!


OK.. heres an update already today :) .. I forgot to post how far I biked.. 9 miles this morning around campus and neighborhood and I JUST got home from a 4 mile ride with the kids.. it was so fun!
On the topic of kids.. I have decided to make a commitment to making sure the kids get some sort of intense physical activity at least once a day (again). The past few weeks it seems the kids just have a tendency to want to (ask to) watch TV and play video games. .... When we are "doing school" and on that schedule it is easy to get our PE time in.. but when we are not on that schedule it seems I have made sure I exercised but not the kids.... so.. every morning at around 9 or 10 .. we will be having some PE around out house.. more than likely it will be biking .. since they really like it :)

I am off to do chores and then over to finish my painting job..
happy Tuesday :)


Josha said…
So, I've been wanting to long do these 9 mile rides take you?
Unknown said…
Way to go! I'm trying to figure out what i can do for cardio today. Big city + beach leaves fewer options.
Ruthie said…
The rides take me about 40 to 45 mins.. I think I average between 10 and 14 mph while riding..

cardio in the city? Find a construction crew and get your jump rope out and start jumping :) got stairs? those are good too :) Worse case .. chase sea gulls! :) hehe

thanks for commenting you guys... its so fun to have fitness friends :)
JoAnn said…
You know, I've decided to do the same. I'm going to get up and do my powerwalk around my house. Don't know why I got in the mindset that I HAD to go to the gym inorder to get my exercise done. I LOVE the morning time too. Thats a change for me as I used to be a night person, but you're so right there is something about getting up, just as the sun us rising, before anybody else is around, and exercising and having God time! So I'll be thinking about ya in the a.m. about 6:00 !!! love and miss ya! Jojo
JoAnn said…
P.S. I'll still have that big cup of coffee tho! LOL!!!!!!!