Well.. no workout yesterday but I woke up so sore from all the hard work that I guess I got a workout in spite of myself :) I literally painted from 2-930 last night to finished cats room and worked up such a sweat it reminded me of working with my dad when I was in high school :) (he was a contractor on the side and I worked with him remodeling homes)
Good news is the eats were good.. still NO sodas :) My skin is starting to really clear up now too like it use to be :) and my energy levels have been a LOT more consistent (no dashing or crashing from the sugar these days.. just a nice steady pace :)
I get to go shopping today so I will stock up on good stuff :) Lots to do today (store, library, church to get ready to teach tonight, and trying to finish art project(s) PLUS some book learnin')..
hows your day?