I just wanted to post a quick post.. this is after I wrote all this below.. so sorry its out of order... I just wanted to make sure I put my workout down...
I did 12 squats followed right away by 12 deadlifts I repeated this 4 times without a break....
Then I went right into 12 back flies followed directly by 12 bicep curls.. I repeated that 4 times. I guess Its my version of body pump :) a good cardio workout and a good weight workout.. I know I will be sore tomorrow.. cause I already feel it.. ")
Now.. for those of you who havent read my Blog Therapy post .. here it is :
This weekend has been a bit busy. We have spent lots of time at lowes and home depot getting things we have needed for a LONG time. Supplies to finish out master bath (we have been without for over a year) and .. YIPEE for me a new IRON! (I am so excited about ironing clothes now :) .. .. anyway.. its been busy but I am so glad that the shopping part is over.. I dont do well spending money on anything.. so its nice to have all the decisions made and purchased and now all the hard work begins :)
I took Friday as my free day with plans to workout on Saturday.. but it didnt happen (we were at home depot until 10!!!!!!).. Today was church and cleaning the house and then to LOWES for 4 hours! .. I am tired but I will at least walk on the treadmill tonight.
I have had serious issues with staying on healthy eats for the last few weeks.. really it all started when I drank that coke on the way home from Houston ... I have serious issues with
sodas.. I am NOT kidding.. its like if I am drinking sodas it literally throws my body into sugar addition mode!!! and ever since then I have been having periods throughout the day where I have HIGH energy levels and then very LOW energy levels... It just seems to reek havoc with my body. I am not saying I have eaten like I did a year ago.. NO ice cream after every meal and those things.. but what I am saying is that I have literally felt HORRIBLE for the last two weeks and I am so tired of it. It seems the longer I stay unfocused on program eats the worse I feel. Heres some questions:
Why is it so hard to get back on eats program?
Why cant I realize that what I eat/dont eat has a HUGE consequence on how i feel!
Why do I want to eat and live like everyone around me?
Why do I think I can drink sodas? ... I mean.. its THAT really what I WANT to feed my body?>>> I know how it will make me feel.. (great for about 30 mins and then horrible for about 3 hours).. so why do I continue?
Why cant I realize that I CANT eat like everyone else if I want to feel good?
Why do I keep falling "off" when I know how bad it makes me feel?
Why do I insist on eating Pizza etc when I KNOW I will pay for it at 3 am?
What do I do now that I have done some "blog therapy" and admitted that I literally have stunk at eats the last two weeks?
I tech. only missed ONE workout
Although I ate off program foods some days I still ate every few hours.
I made huge strides in artwork this week
I am making progress in the fact that I am making changes (again) to get my eats under control.
Plan for tonight? PLAN my eats for tomorrow. Plan for tomorrow? workout and stay on program foods.. asking myself.. "will THIS food or liquid give me long term health and energy or make me feel bad three hours from now?".... after a few days of withdrawal I will be back to my old full of energy self : )
wish me luck (seems like I have been at this place before and swore never to be here again.. funny how in life it takes many many times to learn some things huh?)
I just wanted to post a quick post.. this is after I wrote all this below.. so sorry its out of order... I just wanted to make sure I put my workout down...
I did 12 squats followed right away by 12 deadlifts I repeated this 4 times without a break....
Then I went right into 12 back flies followed directly by 12 bicep curls.. I repeated that 4 times. I guess Its my version of body pump :) a good cardio workout and a good weight workout.. I know I will be sore tomorrow.. cause I already feel it.. ")
Now.. for those of you who havent read my Blog Therapy post .. here it is :

This weekend has been a bit busy. We have spent lots of time at lowes and home depot getting things we have needed for a LONG time. Supplies to finish out master bath (we have been without for over a year) and .. YIPEE for me a new IRON! (I am so excited about ironing clothes now :) .. .. anyway.. its been busy but I am so glad that the shopping part is over.. I dont do well spending money on anything.. so its nice to have all the decisions made and purchased and now all the hard work begins :)
I took Friday as my free day with plans to workout on Saturday.. but it didnt happen (we were at home depot until 10!!!!!!).. Today was church and cleaning the house and then to LOWES for 4 hours! .. I am tired but I will at least walk on the treadmill tonight.
I have had serious issues with staying on healthy eats for the last few weeks.. really it all started when I drank that coke on the way home from Houston ... I have serious issues with

Why is it so hard to get back on eats program?
Why cant I realize that what I eat/dont eat has a HUGE consequence on how i feel!
Why do I want to eat and live like everyone around me?
Why do I think I can drink sodas? ... I mean.. its THAT really what I WANT to feed my body?>>> I know how it will make me feel.. (great for about 30 mins and then horrible for about 3 hours).. so why do I continue?
Why cant I realize that I CANT eat like everyone else if I want to feel good?
Why do I keep falling "off" when I know how bad it makes me feel?
Why do I insist on eating Pizza etc when I KNOW I will pay for it at 3 am?
What do I do now that I have done some "blog therapy" and admitted that I literally have stunk at eats the last two weeks?
- Ask my blog sisters to keep asking how are eats going today? (accountability)
- Post my eats on my blog and be honest each and every eat. (accountability)
- Make a self promise to eat correctly so I will feel better.
- Realize that I am different and that I want to feel better, look better and have a possitive attitude about my life style.
- Understand that I have a choice. I can choose to eat poorly and feel bad OR eat healthy and feel great. .. and realize what unhealthy food really does to me.
- Having the self control to see the food that is bad for ME .. (it might not be bad for someone else).. as a kind of poison I MUST avoid to be healthy.
- Remember how wonderful it feels to feel healthy and fit and full of energy.
I tech. only missed ONE workout
Although I ate off program foods some days I still ate every few hours.
I made huge strides in artwork this week
I am making progress in the fact that I am making changes (again) to get my eats under control.
Plan for tonight? PLAN my eats for tomorrow. Plan for tomorrow? workout and stay on program foods.. asking myself.. "will THIS food or liquid give me long term health and energy or make me feel bad three hours from now?".... after a few days of withdrawal I will be back to my old full of energy self : )
wish me luck (seems like I have been at this place before and swore never to be here again.. funny how in life it takes many many times to learn some things huh?)