Well .. today was a very interesting workout to say the least.
First of all my sweet Mary Kay friend couldnt come over because I started having tummy troubles about 15 minutes before she got here. So I cancelled the appointment.
I left my workout until 5pm because we had K.T. and K come over to play after school. So at 5 I hit the garage. Here is somewhat how it went.. hopefully you are not board with this but I want it in my journal because i know if I can get a complete workout in on a day like today.. feeling like I do.. than I can anytime..
Started with squats.. did one set of 15. (on smith machine)
stopped.. had to run to the bathroom.
continued with squats with high point at 105 set of 6
did a set of lunges as burnouts.
started leg extensions.. .. cat brings me the phone.. its a dear friend.. talked to her for 10 mins.. got disconnected.. while waiting for her to call back I did my set of 6.
got off the phone with her.. had to go to the potty again.
heading back to the garage.. (less than 5 min later) phone rings.. Its Dad.. they have someone to buy the house.. signing a contract hopefully tomorrow..
>>>please excuse this intermission.. I have to go the potty again!<<<
ok.. where was I..
ended up talking to Dad and then DH came home and the kids were hungry so I fixed supper.. finally at 730ish
I went back to the garage.
leg curls on the leg curl machine.. hight point 65lbs. burnouts with deadlifts on smith (30x45lb)
potty break
back.. dumbbell rows high point 25 .. burnouts lat pull downs on smith (30x 20)
potty break
bis- hammer curls with burnout of curls 30x15lbs
****now.. this is a high point right here.. when I did my set of 12 on bis.. I looked in the mirror and what I saw I couldnt believe! I saw muscle definition and I was so shocked i could see all the lines of the muscles! My arm is really getting cut! I was so shocked I started to cry. ! I really did.. I stopped and bent over and put my head on the weight bench and cried! I said a prayer of thanks to God for giving me the determination to get to this point. And espcially tonight when I was feeling fine execpt for having to run to the potty every 20 mins! It took all I had not to quit.. and then on the last set of lifts.. POW! God showed me my reward! .. so.. .. after a few minutes I finished my set. And guess what I did next? you are right
POTTY time!*****
so tonight instead of protien I drank pepto! hoping it will bring some relief. I am not sure what is going on but I have a strong feeling it is a virus that DH had last week. His just lasted half a day.. so hopefully I am almost done with it. We'll see.
OH.. now for my eats..
Oreo protein for breakfast and water
two crackers
lunch- 2 eggs with salt in a tortilla .. then peanut butter crackers (i was still hungry)
ONE mini sweet-tart.. it was the size of a smartie.. nate shared! .. and BOY was it sweet to me.. I didnt like it at all! really!
snack- strawberry protein shake
I also had three glasses of tea-very diluted but with some sugar..although not as much as I have been putting in.. and probably only one glass of water. The shakes have LOTs of water/ice in them so with that and my tea.. I am not concerned about my water intake that much..
Supper.. Pepto.
so only four meals in for the day.. but I was proud I stayed on track.. I guess I should have stopped eating as soon as my tummy started up but I felt fine until about 5 mins before having to go to the potty. So I always thought I was over it. I also thought it was just the bacon and eggs I ate or the brown rice with broccoli for lunch yesterday.. but I guess I am not that lucky.
so.. thats it.. You all probably think I am crazy for sharing all this.. but I wanted it on the BFL blog record.. Today was a tuff day.. but I did it anyway. I dont think what I have is really any big deal..just an inconvenience. I feel fine.. full of energy, no aches, or other issues.. so.. thats why I decided to continue with the workout.. If I had had continual pain in my tummy or other symptoms or more frequent trips to my least favorite room the the house.. I would have put the workout off until I felt better.. but for now.. I am glad I did. I feel better knowing I got it done in-spite of all the obstacles.
I am off to read my email and surf until the next trip.
down but not out.
maybe I should do a photo essay for you.. step by step.. would that help?
thanks for the congrats on the muscle moment.. I was surprised to see it .. of course only see it when I have a weight in my hand.. not when I am relaxed.. =).. but I think that its coming.. it might take me until april to get ripped like I want.. but I will get there.
I am feeling better this AM.. just got out of bed and its 930.. I feel drained. I am going to do cardio dont know when.. but I will probably just ride my bike.. no HIITS.